
For years I desperately wished for a different life, really. I struggled with shame, guilt and anger for choices I made – and for the various traumatic experiences that were of no fault of my own.

 Across different stages in my life, I was gripped by fear, compared myself to others, self-loathed and self-sabotaged my success -and cycle through,
“If only _____, then my life would be better.”

The truth was, my life was only going to change when I decided to change. When I left a toxic and abusive 1st marriage in 2002, I made the investment in myself and hired a life coach for… 8 straight years. Along with counseling, and my faith, coaching became foundational for changing the trajectory of my life.

I spent years, doing what I call open heart surgery.  Unearthing the chapters that had immobilized me from the challenges of being adopted into a white family and never belonging to the father (and mother) wound and layers of abandonment and rejection, to sexual assault to growing up in poverty with past struggles with depression and anxiety, I had a lot of reprogramming, healing, and overcoming to do.

All that to say, I can likely relate to your story and “IF I CAN DO IT, SO CAN YOU!”

You are not defined by your past. You can learn the skills you need to thrive, and you can create meaning and purpose in your life -even when life is difficult.

…Then you can own your truth, speak your truth, dress your truth, and live your truth out loud in a clear, focused, and powerful way!

Are you ready?


Lifestyle Coaching | Coaching | Training and Workshops

Lifestyle Coaching

Are Your Struggling With:

  1. A lack of confidence, clarity or focus?
  2. How to get dressed, show up, and bring your best integrated self to the (virtual) office?
  3. Lack of confidence in your communication and how you’re relating at work or home?
  4. Feeling weary, stuck, or unmotivated?
  5. Not getting enough sleep due to fear, anxiety, or the unknown?
  6. Feeling overwhelmed with all the hats you’re wearing?
  7. Prioritizing your self-care, mental health and
    overall well- being?
  8. Living up to the quality of your personal brand?

If YES, Take The Next Step & Make A Change! This is the Season to Prioritize Your Healing…

Reclaim your power so you can live an integrated and hope-filled life with more peace-of-mind, confidence, and resilience.

Imagine what you would feel like if you were able to release the overbearing burdens of doubt, fear, confusion, or anger to reclaim your power and activate H.O.P.E. (healing, overcoming, purpose, expectancy) in your life right now?


  • Imagine a newfound sense of empowerment, resilience, and sustainable confidence.
  • Imagine the sensation of breathing with more ease and enjoying improved mental & physical health and well-being! 
  • Imagine experiencing more peace-of-mind, purpose,
    and fulfillment in your life -at work and at play.
  • Imagine being seen, heard, and valued in more meaningful relationships.
  • Imagine waking up with a feeling of hope, happiness, and possibilities to guide you through your day.
  • Imagine elevating your style & brand and dressing your truth
  • Imagine communicating with more influence and impact

Say, “YES”. It’s time to do what it takes to bring your whole self forward to this unique season in our history. Experience the kind of swift and confident breakthroughs that have clients laughing and saying, “I feel like I just got a birthday gift and it’s not even my birthday!” Do it for yourself first…then do it for your family, friends, and those who rely on you -or your leadership.

Coaching Sessions May Include Topics Such As:

  • Styling, Shopping, Color/Body Analysis, Closet Audit
  • Personal Brand, Executive Presence, Communication
  • Navigating Times of Change & Challenge in 2020
  • Clarifying Your Mindset, Vision, Values & Goals
  • Overcoming Limiting Beliefs
  • Setting Boundaries
  • Forgiving to Be Free
  • Managing Whelm, Fear & Uncertainty
  • Finding Your Voice, Healing Your Story
  • Building Self-Confidence & Resilience

Why Whole You Coaching Is Key To Your Success:  

  • Provides Perspective, Clarity & Focus
  • Provides Strategy for Achieving Desired Results  
  • Offers Accountability
  • Produces Mindset Shifts & Swift Breakthroughs
  • Builds Confidence & is a Catalyst for Personal Empowerment


For years I desperately wished for a different life, really. I struggled with shame, guilt and anger for choices I made – and for the various traumatic experiences that were of no fault of my own.

 Across different stages in my life, I was gripped by fear, compared myself to others, self-loathed and self-sabotaged my success -and cycle through,
“If only _____, then my life would be better.”

The truth was, my life was only going to change when I decided to change. When I left a toxic and abusive 1st marriage in 2002, I made the investment in myself and hired a life coach for… 8 straight years. Along with counseling, and my faith, coaching became foundational for changing the trajectory of my life.

I spent years, doing what I call open heart surgery.  Unearthing the chapters that had immobilized me from the challenges of being adopted into a white family and never belonging to the father (and mother) wound and layers of abandonment and rejection, to sexual assault to growing up in poverty with past struggles with depression and anxiety, I had a lot of reprogramming, healing, and overcoming to do.

Topics for Speaking Include:

  • Mindset & Success
  • Executive Presence
  • Personal Image & Style
  • Vision, Values, Goal Setting
  • Building Your Personal Brand
  • Faith  
  • Fear to Freedom
  • Identity & Self-Esteem
  • Creating the Life You Want
  • Discovering Your Essence, Finding Your Voice (Programs for women & girls at any stage in life)

New Content for Speaking:

Preview my speaking here: 425 Magazine’s Women to Watch keynote – Insist on H.O.P.E. in Times of Change


Trainings & Workshops:      

It’s an honor to share at nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.

It’s an honor to share at nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.

It’s an honor to share at nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.

It’s an honor to share at nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.


Topic for Trainings & Workshops include:  

  • Mindset & Success
  • Executive Presence
  • Personal Image & Style
  • Vision, Values, Goal Setting
  • Building Your Personal Brand
  • Faith  
  • Fear to Freedom
  • Identity & Self-Esteem
  • Creating the Life You Want
  • Fear to Freedom to Forgive 
  • Discovering Your Essence, Finding Your Voice (Programs for women & girls at any stage in life)


JR Nobles

When I began coaching with Kim Peterson 4 years ago, I thought I was engaging in the usual fee for service type deal. After achieving success from working with her, I knew that I had received much more than a transactional passive interaction from a semi-interested individual. As a coach, Kim utilized her highly relational, customized, and intuitive style to partner with me in my pursuit of my goals. As a result, I have made significant personal, career, and income gains. To date Kim Peterson is my go to source for coaching for my own breakthroughs and success.

— JR Nobles, Executive Director with Friends of the Children

Nancy Morris

“My time with Kim has had far outreaching benefits in the last few years!!!  I cannot express my gratitude to her for leading the way with God’s help into a posture of forgiveness and acceptance and PEACE for myself.  Working with Kim is really an extraordinary experience because she is a fabulous listener and encourages with God’s Word. Kim has been pivotal in my walk forward in faith and Joy!!!”

— Nancy Morris, Interior Designer

Anne Kuchera

My personal and professional coaching experience with Kim Peterson of Uniquely Savvy has been the most transformational work of my life. I have spent more hours, years and dollars on counselors, mentors and coaches than I care to calculate! But the work I did with Kim delivered results after my first session.  Kim knew how to tap right into my limiting beliefs, expose them, and then help me discover my true identity. The time I’ve spent with Kim cannot be measured in time or dollars, but in the results of a life that is transformed – where I have found purpose, wholeness, integration and freedom. I have never been more free to be “the me” I was created to be. Coaching with Kim Peterson has also empowered me to step into new opportunities with courage and confidence. I recommend her to anyone ready to take that next step into a transformed life.”

— Anne Kuchera Special Assistant, Office of the President, Northwest University