Here is a good article regarding the “FIRST AID” use of electroshock for snake bite treatment:
Rattlesnake first aid, remote first aid of snakebite.
Whenever using shock, the following IMPORTANT guidelines should be followed.
- Using shock on venomous bites is a FIRST AID measure.
- It must be ONLY High Voltage pulsed Direct Current (DC) 15KV to 75KV at around 1mA as found in:
- Small internal combustion engine ignition systems.
- Stun Guns up to 75KV (over 75KV is more distressing on the patient and not necessary).
- Cattle prods have been know to work.
- Car ignition systems have been known to work. (Common sense should be used, some can pack quite a punch. Remove the primary coil wire to keep the engine from starting).
- Electric fence chargers (DC variety) have also been known to work.
- It should be administered within the first 20 minutes of the bite and should not be used if the process could reduce the transportation time to a medical facility.
- Success has been observed with applications up to 3 hours after the bite was received.
- Shock should NOT be applied to head bites or those near the heart.
- Most documented cases used the spark generated by pulling the crank of a small engine (with the spark plug lead removed from the spark plug to keep the engine from starting).
- Apply 1 second shocks directly to each bite incision, with a rest between applications.
- 8 applications have been shown to be sufficient, more do not seem to be a problem.
Here is a resource for a 25V (65KV) personal stun gun that one writer recommended ($37US) who writes a related article here.