We Have Been Transferred from Death to Life in Christ! The Parousia, and Historical Argument for a First Century Rapture!

We Have Been Transferred from Death to Life in Christ! The Parousia, and Historical Argument for a First Century Rapture!

An excerpt from the book The Final Decade Before The End, by Edward E. Stevens (from page 219) Here is the sequence of events that we are suggesting:AD 62 – book of Revelation warned the saints to “come out of her” (Rev 18:4)AD 63 – book of Hebrews exhorted them to...


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Has Jesus Already Returned!? Is Jesus’ Kingdom Now Here? Or Are We Still Waiting for It?

What Did Jesus Mean? When I read certain verses in the New Testament account it's puzzling that Jesus made it seem so immenent that He was soon to return to establish His kingdom on earth. From statements made in the gospels such as Mat 10:23 "When they persecute you...

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