Invasion of the Body Snatchers! The Myth of Being “Brain Dead” All for Organ Harvesting! They Primarily Focus on People Overdosing So They Can Steal LIVING Organs!

by Nov 29, 2023Health and Wellness

The Unholy Connection Between Drug Use & “Brain Death”

A discussion about Ethics and Morals…And the Morphing of the Concept into “Bio-Ethics”.

The concept of “Brain Death”, has long been accepted to classify someone who will not recover to have any sort of quality of life moving forward. We all consider it moral and honorable to be an organ donor after and accident or tragic death.

However Dr Byrne in the video below explains how the definition of brain death came about as an excuse for harvesting a living organ from a living person. Organ transplant cannot occur unless the donor is still alive.

Organ harvesting and placement is a hugely profitable industry. Even if they say the organs are never “sold” the service in “installing” the new organ, from the procedure to the hospital, to the drugs involved to the recovery of the donee…

The state is involved in preserving “functional” contributors to society, rather than working to “do no harm” as the hypocratic oath requires.

We have literally become Nazi Germany, harvesting organs from those deemed “worthless” or no value to society, and given to those who may be of “value” to the state.

Enter The Opiod Crisis

With the rise of the recent opiod crisis the body snatchers may get more organs from drug overdoses than accidents and gun violence. (8 per day in Ohio in the United States) Policemen are provided NARCAN so that the overdosing individual can be stabilized until they are received at the hospital, where they are then declared “brain dead” and able to be harvested.

A “Designated Requester” approaches the stunned family, “can i get you a cup of coffee…” befriending the family all with the goal to have the family sign away the individuals organs! The hospital tests 6 of 14 brain stem reflexes, and declare the individual “brain dead”, at which point the surgeons literally begin administering paralyzing drugs for the harvest surgery! 

If you or a Family Member Finds Yourself on Life Support

Do not allow the “test” Apnea procedure, where they remove ventilator for 10 minutes, while, during that specific test, the patients brain will actually swell MORE.

Do Not Be an Organ Donor to the State!

They will work to manipulate the situation in order to convince your family that the best course of action, or what “ought” to be done for the individual is to submit to harvest, when they truly have no absolute idea the injured person will not recover. They will throw out all sorts of statistics to support their case, but in the end until the life leaves the person, we all “ought” (ethics & morals) to do what is “right” for the person, which is “To Do No Harm”, and to persevere through treatment at whatever cost, until the final outcome occurs is in the hands of God.