Did God Create Marriage as a Living Lesson to Train Us?
The Most difficult person in Your Marriage is YOU.
We are our own worst enemies, (Phil 2:3), a healthy posture of biblical humility is to focus on our own sins rather than our spouse.
- Check your expectations, Don’t idolize romance, or love money – the same results from both.
- Marriage is a couldron of testing. If you keep yourself from expecting it to always be great you’ll be able to appreciate the good times and thank God for them.
- Celebrate the good, struggle through the bad.
- Don’t compare yourself to others.
- Times of cyclical good and bad happen all of our lives.
- Think about the good times, and thank God for them.
From Gary Thomas
Remember what renowned marital study author Gottman says that 66% of marriages have difficult issues that are never resolved. Successful marriages learn to live through them.