Sahdu Sundar Selvaraj

by Jun 6, 2018Discipleship

“Sahdu” as he is called around our home is an incredible servant of The Lord Jesus Christ, having grown up on track to becoming a Hindu Priest like his father before him, but he was powerfully converted to Jesus Christ and began an amazing journey of faith that seems to be comparable to the book of Acts!

Peruse his selected youtube teachings below, and feel free to share far and wide. And don’t worry about ever being asked to give your money to this man — He never asks! Although his ministry, known as Angel TV, currently runs a 500k monthly expense and operates over 13 cable TV channels in India and other parts of the world. He claims that his bills are covered every month with just enough.

His current ministry role is as a “prophet to the nations”, you will see what that means in the videos below.



Here is an INCREDIBLE teaching and a true sampling of his teaching – but beware it’s LONG!

Elijah’s ministry


Here is an excerpt from the Lancaster conference where he revealed what he had seen in a heavenly council regarding the coming miraculous election of Donald Trump!

Overcoming in the last days

Matthew 24:8, “All these are the beginning of sorrows…”

Not afraid of controversy at all!

Declaring the Pope to be the false prophet

Ministering in the Philippines

How to plead with God, the “Art of Prayer”, pleading with Jesus changes things. Paying the price…in prayer, persevering.

More about his conversion (Philippine Conference), CRITERIA for REVIVAL, 3 things to remember…

JULY 4th Message to America

Tribulation MUST come before a Rapture of the Church to be a final testing and purification of the Bride of Christ

Rick Joyner gives a good review of the Ministry of Sahdu Sundar Selvaraz