Why, regardless of what we hope and pray for the US, we will not ever be great again…
10 The bricks are fallen down, but we will build with hewn stones: the sycomores are cut down, but we will change them into cedars.
— Isaiah 9:10
Did you know that If you believe the Bible you are now called “Enemies of the human race”?
Has Anyone Else Reviewed this Astonishing Study?
“The Mystery of The Harbinger.” Video below…
In world history God always sends, “A warning before judgement,” As one amazing example, Incredibly, since 911 there was no state in the land of America where homosexual marriage was allowed, In 1996 the United States Congress voted to uphold the traditional definition of Marriage 342/67 “DOMA”, in 2008 there was a judgment on US finance, and amazingly in 2012 more Americans were “for” changing the biblical definition of marriage, and finally the US Supreme Court has recently declared that Same Sex Marriage is a “Constitutional Right”.
“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil”…
Obama writes on the tallest beam of the tower the American transliteration of Isaiah 9:10.
“We rebuild we come back stronger”
Obama changed the tense, to present tense, “We REBUILD…