When Good People Drink the BLM Kool-Aid
A Detox formula for a friend who has been emotionally hijacked by the BLM rhetoric and propaganda.
“I hate deception, even where the imagination only is concerned.” —George Washington (1779)
Donald Trump’s election was the catalyst for an epidemic of the emotional incontinence called “Trump Derangement Syndrome,” that Democrat Party politicos and their Leftmedia outlets incessantly provoke. The Demos’ primary target for this unceasing inflammation is their largest voter bloc, women, whom they endeavor to keep emotionally unhinged by fanning the flames of toxic femininity.
In 2016, Trump won 52% of votes cast by men but only 41% of those cast by women. That 11% gender gap was the largest in four decades of presidential elections. Demo researchers have written endlessly about the “gender gap,” but none of them dare to declare that female voters are more emotive than male voters. This unspoken but demonstrable demographic reality is precisely why Democrats elevate the most highly emotive topics, such as gender issues, to the top of their platforms.
The Demos’ secondary constituency target is their largest racial voter bloc, black Americans. Because almost 90% of black people vote Democrat, a significant part of the aforementioned gender voting gap is also a racial gap. Thus, Democrat race hustlers, with the help of their race-luring profiteers, perennially promote a race-bait agenda, using every isolated instance of real or imagined injustice to propagate fear and division.
This includes their most recent appeal to women and blacks, the BIG lie that our nation is besieged with “systemic racism,” and that the path forward must be under the banner of the so-called Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement.
But it is not just Democrat women and black folks who have consumed, and been consumed by, the BLM Kool-Aid.
Democrats have found support for their BLM bait in another dependable bloc of their constituent voters, both male and female: white Millennials. And that support has spilled over into the ranks of good people who would not otherwise identify themselves as “leftist” or “Democrat,” but who have been emotionally hijacked by BLM rhetoric and propaganda.
If you know a good person who is emotively intoxicated by the BLM messaging, here is one formula for detox.
In dealing with emotive family, friends, and colleagues who are predisposed to succumbing to social pressure — particularly in this generation where social media is an ever-present influencer — it’s important to understand this about perceptions: The disconnect between the cognitive (generally Right) versus emotive (generally Left) interpretation of ideas and events creates the most significant and sometimes most impenetrable obstacles to reaching common ground between Right and Left. Ask leftists for something about which they’re passionate, and they most often predicate their response with, “Because I feel…” But ask conservatives for something about which they’re passionate, and they most often predicate their response with, “Because I think…”
Cognitive processors sometimes fail to convey an empathic understanding of an issue, while emotive processors tend to be overwhelmed with empathic feelings about it. The real disconnect starts when emotive interpretation neglects the facts, and cognitive understanding fails to recognize the feelings. In debate, this constitutes the proverbial mix of oil and water — which are quick to separate.
Frankly, it’s extremely important to have the capacity to both think and feel in order to cognitively contemplate a position and then express it effectively to someone who’s emotively entrenched in a contrary position.
Case in point: Last week, amid all the racial tension fomented by Democrats and their racist antagonizers nationwide, a very smart and well-educated influencer, whom I have known for years, issued a public statement about BLM. My otherwise conservative friend, a white male, dug himself deep into the BLM hole before he was aware he was even digging. He’s in the “helping profession” and has an enormous heart for other people, for justice, and for what is good and right — which is how he ended up so deep in that hole.
To summarize, he issued a declaration that anyone who dared say…