The Truth About Retreating Glaciers

by Feb 20, 2024Anthropomorphic Climate Change, Climate Change

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Glaciers’ Retreat Not From CO2

Retreating glaciers are often pointed to as “proof” of human-induced global warming by those predicting climate catastrophe.


And they are partially correct. The planet IS warming and glaciers ARE retreating, but the beneficial warmth began more than 300 years ago. That was long before any temperature increases could have been caused by emissions of carbon dioxide. The chart here is a compilation of 169 glaciers worldwide (Oerlemans 2005).

Note that, although our current warming trend began in the late 1600s, the glacial retreat wasn’t initiated until the early 1800s. That is because it took 100-plus years for the warming to cause more summer melting than winter accumulation.


A highlight of many Alaskan cruises, Glacier Bay is often pointed to as a warning of our “sins of emission.” However, retreat of this glacier began in the late 1700s and had retreated some 50 miles before significant additions of CO2 in the mid-20th century. There have been only about 10 miles of retreat since (Seramur 2001).


Glacial facts simply do not support the theory that CO2 is the primary cause of modern warming.

Fun Fact: Famine Is Declining … A LOT


Modest warming, more CO2 and use of nitrogen fertilizer (manufactured from fossil fuels) are boosting food production and driving a significant decline in famine.

The charts and data included in this newsletter were gleaned from the pages of the new book “A Very Convenient Warming,” published January 2024. Purchase directly here or at Amazon here.

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CO2 Coalition

1621 North Kent Street, Suite 603

Arlington, Virginia 22209

Gregory Wrightstone


Executive Director

CO2 Coalition

In front of Muir Glacier, Glacier Bay, Alaska