WEF Driven by Klaus Schwab et al — COMMUNISM on STEROIDS!
The Coming Transhumanist / Technocracy
World economic forum is driving the global population for the purpose of control. Digital currencies, cashless economy, WHO-driven mask mandates and lockdowns, 15 minute cities, are coming, coming by means of global megacorporations like Blackrock and Vanguard, companies that in part manage a giant segment of the global total wealth.
Their goal is the getting rid of most liberty. A life lived on carbon rationing, meat rationing, “you’ll own nothing and be happy”. These people are cowards and the demon spawn of the pit of hell. Brian Stelter-types…ushering the kingdom of satan and his minions to control humanity, to dominate the masses by means of AI-driven technology, a tiny group of elites who can run everything from one central location!
We all must come together to resist this planned hell on earth.