Was Much, or ALL, of Revelation Actually Fulfilled in AD70? UNREAL! What is Preterism…? When Was Revelation Written?

by Nov 14, 2023End Times, Escatology, News in General, Preterism

“The Preacher Man Says it’s the End of Time”

— A Country Boy Can Survive, by Hank Williams Jr.

Is the Gospel of Jesus Christ Meant to be a Message of Doom and Gloom? Or Should it Have a Different Feel?


Are We Living in the Last Days? Are We STILL Waiting for The AntiChrist, the Number of the Beast, the False Prophet & The Great Tribulation? Has Death & Hell Already Been Abolished? Has the Resurrection of the Dead already Occurred? Has the Second Coming of Jesus Christ “With the Clouds of Heaven” Already Happened?

Could it be that The Kingdom of Heaven, Something that Cannot be Perceived—as Jesus Said, and that “it would not come with your careful observation”, Have Already Come Down from Heaven, Been Established Upon the Earth, Complete with the “Final Judgment”?

Is it Possible That Our Religious Leaders Have Erred, Along Similar Paths as The Ancient Pharisees?

Was Jesus Speaking of Spiritual Things?

Did the advent of Jesus Christ and His Death Burial and Resurrection and the Ultimate Destruction of the Jewish Temple in AD 70 Usher in a New Kingdom Reality?

Does Christianity Now Become a Huge Mountain that Fills the Entire Earth as it seems to say in the Book of Daniel?

Could it be that we are now living in the Christian Age, “an Age Without End, Forever. Amen!” (Eph 3:21)

Prepare to have your understanding of end times (escatology) gently nudged, as you view the videos below.

“The Apocalypse in Space and Time”

A Preterist interpretation of the Book of Revelation, gives a compelling View of the Book of Revelation, certainly one of the most confusing books in Christianity.

According to the Greek the timing of Revelation was given to John during the Tribulation!

Be astonished and praise The Lord!


The Death of Nero 68AD

…will not happen until The Man of Lawlessness is revealed whom The Lord Jesus would destroy by the brightness of His coming…”
— 2nd Thes 2:8

The death of Nero, who’s name equalled up to 666 and 616 in Jewish gematria, perished during the seige of Jerusalem. By means of his own suicide.

During the battle of the destruction of Jerusalem from AD 66 to AD 70.


Is there Any Historical “Evidence” of a First Century Rapture of the Church?

Has Satan Already Been Bound for 1000 Years?

When you open your heart and mind to understand the spiritual reality of the prophetic allows for everything that was described in the Revelation has all happened in the FIRST century!

In Mark 3:23 — regarding the casting out of demons, Jesus Himself stated that “unless one the strong man has been bound”  in regards to the casting out of demons. So the concept of Satan being bound for 1000 years, can be seen as a a concept of “completeness,” something symbolic and qualitative, as in the same way that the Psalm 50 states, The Lord owns the cattle on 1000 hills.

The Martyrs are told to “wait a little longer”, or a “little while” (rev 6 “robes”, rev 20 “thrones”)

The martyrs are “ruling and reigning with Christ for 1000” when they are told to “wait a little while”. The thousand years can actually be symbolic.

Mathew 23:32-37 — “fill ye up then the measure of your father’s guilt…behold I send unto you prohpets and wise man…that upon you may come upon all the righteous blood…all these things shall come upon this generation!

Has all the righteous bloodshed of the martyrs been completed and ascribed to That Generation?
Q – There are still Martyrs in today’s day and age though?

Has the Resurrection of the Dead Ocurred?

Did the Sign of the Son of Man come in Heaven for all to see?

(The 7 Signs of Josephus – and the Destruction of Jerusalem)

Have the “Stars fallen from Heaven as late figs fall from a tree when shaken by a strong wind”?

Has the Lord Himself returned in the clouds with great glory, with the shout of the Archangel and the Trumpet Call of God?

Has Heaven and Earth been destroyed by fire, and passed away with a roar?

Has the Heavenly Jerusalem come down from Heaven?

We are being built up into a spiritual house, to rule with Christ, reigning as kings and priests which is an holy temple – in the Spirit!

After Jesus Christ has “accomplished” or “finished” His work, then “of the expanding of His Kingdom there shall be no end”.

“He has seated us with Christ in Heavenly Places…”

“We have been made the righteousness of God in Jesus Christ”.


The defeat of Satan and the end of the Millenium!

Did this already take place?

“The Last Enemy and the Triumph of Christ” – Book by Daniel Rogers


RC Sproul

Explains his understanding of escatology, which includes a doctrone known as a Partial Preterist view.

What About the Early Church, Did the early church believe in a Future “Coming of Christ” the “Parousia”? And if So, When did They Expect it?

Did they accept, practically, the preterist escatological view? Meaning without saying they believe the preterist concept since the word did not exist, did their practical doctrines endorse preterism or partial preterism? Or did the Jews (within the Septuagint), and the early Catholics (after the Nicene Council, approx 400AD), seek to change and edit the teachings of the church.

What about the very incredible statements of things which were to have occurred during the Revelation of Jesus Christ. Things such as, “The sign of the son of man appearing in the heavens,” was there an appearing or “coming with the clouds” return of Jesus Christ?

What did the early church say prior to Destruction of Jerusalem?

Be Ready!

The new testament gospels, the words of Jesus Himself, and letters claim the “time is short”.

50 to 55 AD Clement and the Didakae (55 AD apostles book of teaching for the first disciples)
Looked to the soon coming return of Jesus Christ.

Didakae – “Be ye ready, for you know not the hour which The Lord commeth, but as often as you come together…will not profit if you are not made perfect in the last time,” “they shall haet and betray one another” then shall appear the world deceiver (Simon Magus – a roaming traveler claiming to be someone and doing signs and wonders), then the “fire of trial” shall ocurr, as happened in 70 AD. Then shall appear the sign, the trumpet, then the resurrection, then the world shall see the coming on the clouds.”

In Josephus there is an account of some incredible signs:

  • A star that looked like a sword or cross which lasted a year! (“The sign of the son of man”?)
  • Heavenly armies running through the clouds.
  • The gospel of Nicodemus claimed dead people having arisen around time of 70 AD
  • Christ coming in the clouds and His saints with Him and the whole world saw Him! He didn’t land on the earth but all people of the time saw Him!
  • After the 1000 years there will be a second resurrection (the rev 21 comes true Turtullian)

What Did the Church Fathers Say AFTER the Destruction of Jerusalem?

100AD Ignatius – “The last times are come upon us, let us therefore…stand in awe of the wrath to come (final judgment)…let us be found in Jesus Christ unto the true Life.”

110 Polycarp, “ye have believed on Him who raised Jesus Christ from the dead, and seated at the right hand…now He that has raised us from the dead will raise us also.” (not to be raised to sit on earth but to go to heaven). Polycarp recognizes the reign of Christ in Heaven. “We must all stand at the Judgement seat of Christ” the apostles that preached the gospel, and the prophets who came beforehand that proclaimed the coming of Our Lord.”

ch11 – “the saints shall judge the world as Paul teaches…” “And May He grant you a law and portion among His saints…”

That we would reign with Christ, resurrected and reigning with Christ in Heaven.

100AD Epistle of Barnabus – Speaking of the destruction of The Temple in 70Ad “set their hope on the Temple…who hath measured the heaven with the span…what manner of home shall thow build for me…” “And it shall be in the last days that the Lord shall deliver the sheep of the pasture…but let us inquire that there be any Temple…in the week (the 70th week of Daniel) the Temple shall be built gloriously!”

Justin Martyr – for them the only thing remaining was the final judgment…”That the God the Father of All shall bring Christ to Heaven…till upon whos account He has delayed the “consummation” (final destruction by fire of the earth)…which they were in at their time. In the future they were not awaiting the return of Christ to save the saints BUT they were waiting for the Final Judgement and cosummation or destruction of the earth by fire.

What about the AntiChrist?

Ceasar Nero was seen to be The Literal embodiment of the prophesied AntiChrist that was spoken of in the Revelation of John.

Historical accounts at the time of the destruction of Jerusalem state that there were signs in the heaven including a “star” which appeared in the heavens in the form of a “sword” or a “cross”, and lasted for almost an entire year!

Then there was a literal, “return” of Jesus Christ as having “come in the clouds” in the full view of the people of the day! Josephus recounts visions of heavenly armies within the clouds during the destruction of Jerusalem and the early years immediately following, with accounts of a resurrection of the dead!

200’sAD Tertulian – Sees Himself as living within the 1000 year millenium.

220AD Origen – claimed the Jews were trying to revise the scriptures within the Masoretic Text as compared to the Septuagint as the Christian scriptures. Looking for a future event when arguing against Celsus, the Jews who deny the advent of Christ took place, they expect Christ to come in the future, The Christians are correct, He is the one to come as spoken through prophecy. “The Jews having chastised the Christ and offered him gall to drink” and to them would come the wrath within one generation. As Origen recounts that, “within 42 years of the crucifixion the destruction of the Jewish Temple”.

The destruction of the Jewish Temple was the, “Shattering of the Holy People,” as prophesied by Daniel, the end of the priesthood, and the ending of the sacrifical system, installing the new reign of Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of heaven!

“All the righteous blood of the prophets since Abel to Zechariah would come upon the heads of this generation” as Jesus Christ declared…and, “unless that time had been shortened, no flesh would have survived.”

So What are we Waiting for Now?

We will die, and if we have been faithful to Jesus in patiently enduring our salvation in Him, be resurrected, live with Christ reigning in Heaven and await the final judgment of Christ (When the rest will be resurrected).

A coming final Great White throne judgment, (Rev ch20) the destruction of the earth by fire, a great battle, the removal of the wicked, and a consumation of the Kingdom of Heaven along with the Heavenly Jerusalem.

How Old is the Earth Truly? The 5500 year prophecy!

The prophecy of God to Adam about the redemption of his soul to spiritual Eden!
Our early church fathers believed in this concept. 5500 plus 2024

We are currently starting from the Crucifixion of Jesus in 0-33AD, (7524/2024!)

The millenium began at AD70 so would expire around 1075, when Satan would be released for a great war.

The fallen angels of Jude and the book of Enoch are awaiting judgement at the 10,000 year mark.








Did Jesus lie when he told his disciples that, “this generation will not pass away until all of these things happen”?

Additional resources can be found below:


Or you may also listen to The Days of Vengeance by clicking on the video below:

An interesting playlist of videos regarding the Preterist View of Escatology or the Study of End Times

rev 11:2 “The Outer Court of the temple will be trampled by the nations for 42 months”, or as Rev says, “Time, times, and a half a time”.

Which happened in the year AD 70 When Rome came and destroyed the rebellious nation, which was the “fulfillment of All These Things”.