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by May 12, 2022Election Fraud

2000 Mules Movie Clif Notes

The operational voting fraud theme – there are “mules”… runners for the non-profit voting rights organizations. The mule goes to a non-profit organization where they are given multiple ballots and told to scatter them among a number of drop boxes. Using geo-tracking, the True the Vote organization bought geo-tracking data from cell phones from October 11th through November 11th, 2020.

One area was Atlanta, Georgia. It has a good mix of urban, suburban and rural voting precincts. There are 309 ballot drop boxes in this area and 5 non-profits.

By using geo-tracking, in 2020, they identified 242 people that went to an average of 24 voting ballot drop boxes, and visited non-profit voting rights organizations 8 times each over a 2 week period.

This graphic shows ONE mule on ONE DAY. His track is in blue. The orange dots are ballot boxes and the big blue dots with the red halo are non-profit organizations. This person went to 28 drop boxes and visited 5 non-profits over a 24 hour period. A lot of activity was done in the early morning hours.
Phoenix alone had 200 mules.
Milwaukee 100 mules averaging 28 drop boxes per person.
Philadelphia had 1,100 mules averaging 50 drop boxes per mule.

Michigan, 500+…some mules in Detroit hit over 100 drop boxes each on a regular basis. In one ballot drop box, 271 people approached the ballot box and 1,962 ballots were discovered in the drop box.

  • The margin of victory:
  • Georgia  12,670 votes
  • Arizona  10,457 votes
  • Michigan 154,188 votes
  • Wisconsin 20,682 votes
  • Pennsylvania 80,000 votes
If elections are not truly fair, we are not truly free.