2000 Mules Movie Clif Notes
The operational voting fraud theme – there are “mules”… runners for the non-profit voting rights organizations. The mule goes to a non-profit organization where they are given multiple ballots and told to scatter them among a number of drop boxes. Using geo-tracking, the True the Vote organization bought geo-tracking data from cell phones from October 11th through November 11th, 2020.
One area was Atlanta, Georgia. It has a good mix of urban, suburban and rural voting precincts. There are 309 ballot drop boxes in this area and 5 non-profits.
By using geo-tracking, in 2020, they identified 242 people that went to an average of 24 voting ballot drop boxes, and visited non-profit voting rights organizations 8 times each over a 2 week period.
Michigan, 500+…some mules in Detroit hit over 100 drop boxes each on a regular basis. In one ballot drop box, 271 people approached the ballot box and 1,962 ballots were discovered in the drop box.
- The margin of victory:
- Georgia 12,670 votes
- Arizona 10,457 votes
- Michigan 154,188 votes
- Wisconsin 20,682 votes
- Pennsylvania 80,000 votes