10 Minute Read – Oligarch World Domination

by Oct 17, 2024News in General0 comments

An Open Letter to Benny Johnson, Tim Pool & Lauren Southern

Why Russia Matters

Once upon a time, I met Andrew Breitbart at a small gathering of American patriots on the beach in Pacific Palisades. He told a few of us, “If you look back in history, real change has been instigated by a few individuals doing the right thing at the right time,” which animated me to do what I could and photograph people who were saying things I agreed with (at the time). That’s how I found myself photographing all of you (below).

As you may know, I helped found a journalism outlet and two free-speech absolutist crowdfunding sites — with spooky Chuck Johnson —all shuttered by lawfare and de-platforming. Eventually, I became the “official photographer” for “Stop The Steal” and other January 6th nonsense. Since then, I’ve had significant time to reflect on — and research how — The People (sic) of the United States of America (and the rest of the modern world) find themselves the captured prisoners of zombie states.

Unindicted Special Operations Operators directing the J6 “Insurrection”

For decades, numerous well-qualified people have attempted to alert Americans about the ongoing situation. First and foremost, future Rhodes Scholar Bill Clinton’s mentor at Georgetown University was Carroll Quigley, an insider at the Council on Foreign Relations. In 1966, Quigley published a 1300-page book called “Tragedy and Hope,” in which he detailed the plans of a British group of secret conspirators who called themselves “The Round Table,” led by Cecil Rhodes, who aimed to take over the world and regain control of the United States of America in the process.

Quigley quotes Rhodes:

“The extension of British rule throughout the world, the perfecting of a system of emigration from the United Kingdom and of colonization by British subjects of all lands wherein the means of livelihood are attainable by energy, labour, and enterprise, … the ultimate recovery of the United States of America as an integral part of a British Empire, the consolidation of the whole Empire, the inauguration of a system of Colonial Representation in the Imperial Parliament which may tend to weld together the disjointed members of the Empire, and finally the foundation of so great a power as to hereafter render wars impossible and promote the best interests of humanity.”

That group has largely succeeded since Rhodes’s death 120 years ago. It’s an old story. In 1939, Congressman Jacob Thorkelson read a corroborating version of Quigley’s account into the Congressional Record.

As soon as Tragedy and Hope was released, Quigley’s book disappeared from general public view as the publishing company Macmillan was quickly purchased, the plates for the book were destroyed, and Tragedy and Hope disappeared down the memory hole. It took Quigley eight years to figure out why.

Quigley eventually realized that skullduggery by the Anglo-American oligarchy was shadow-banning his book, so he wrote a shorter 523-page exposé, naming names, titled “The Anglo-American Establishment.”