Is it Right to Pay Income Tax to the IRS, Or Not?

by Dec 26, 2024Taxes0 comments

Tax or No Tax?

As Jesus clearly pointed out in the Gospels, it is certainly right and good to pay taxes to whomever they are due. However what if they truly weren’t due?

What if certain taxes were not actually required by law, but regardless have been otherwise foisted upon the American people in a sort of charade with zero actual legal requirement?

Perhaps then we might be inclined to consider obeying another biblical verse:

“Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them…”
— Ephesians 5:11

 It’s way past time the fruitless deed of the internal revnue service, as directed by the Federal Reserve, be exposed for what it is, a money laundering scheme for evil shysters.