Excerpt from The 13 Satanic Bloodlines, by Fritz Springmier
Mengele was not only the designer of this program; he also introduced it
to the world of science. Many people are convinced that two months before the evacuation of Auschwitz, Mengele managed to escape back to his hometown Günzberg, Bavaria, and that in 1949 he traveled (via Austria and Italy) to Argentina before fleeing to Paraguay where he could avoid all requests for extradition. At the end of the Seventies, he
was allegedly killed in a plane crash in Brazil. When some researchers came dangerously close to Josef Mengele’s tracks in 1985, it was immediately publicly announced that the body of Mengele had been found in the Embu (Brazil). DNA found in the “remains” matched the DNA in Mengele’s surviving son, Rolf. Josef Mengele was dead and the search for him terminated. However, this is not the truth!
Mengele’s life is one surrounded by secrets, contradictions and smoke screens. What really happened to Mengele will always remain hidden, and this is because he was part of an occult hierarchy that is in pursuit of total world control.
Mengele was handed instructions to give the impression that he spent the rest of his days in South America. And even though Mengele did live in Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay, the Illuminati spread a great deal of misinformation about his true life.
Mengele was born in the Günzberg in 1911. He studied in Munich, Bonn, Frankfurt and Vienna. His goal was a career as researcher in the field of genetics. After medical school, he became an assistant to Otmar von Verschuer at Frankfurt University. In 1931 Mengele joined the Stahlhelm, a militant nationalist organization where many World War I soldiers had united. In 1934 he changed to the Sturmabteilung (SA) of Hitler’s rising dictatorship and in 1937 filed for membership of the National Sozialist Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP). Not long after that, he joined
the Schutzstaffel (SS). In 1942 Mengele returned to Berlin, where he worked at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute. Under supervision of this institute Mengele conducted countless experiments in the sphere of mind control on thousands of innocent victims. As said before, from the beginning the work and research of Josef Mengele were funded by important foundations owned by the Illuminati. These foundations were actively involved with the “final check experiments” of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute. In 1943 Von Verschuer, sent Mengele to the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp. Mengele had, as will be shown, the duty to develop a technology that could turn people into “machines”. For that reason, no laboratory note or manuscript relating to Mengele’s work has ever been found.
In January 1945, when it became apparent that the Nazis were going to lose the war, Mengele disappeared from Auschwitz. He was secretly flown to the United States. There he could further develop his knowledge about programming the human mind for the profit of the planned New World Order, using knowledge he had already gathered while experimenting on thousands of children in Auschwitz. With the help of our invisible elite, the research and experiments of mind control were secretly continued.
Part of the Monarch Total Mind Control program was established in the beginning of the Fifties. The three developers were Dr. Green (Josef Mengele), Dr. White (electroshock specialist Ewen Cameron) and Dr. Black (Leo Wheeler).
The brain of a Monarch slave is programmed step by step, just like a computer. The method is the same as if a computer program were being implanted into the brain of the Monarch slave. That program controls the behavior of every Monarch slave, giving him direction. The Monarch program divides the human psyche into different personalities, all within the same individual. These alternating or changing personalities are called “alters”. An “alter” is a separate part of the memory that possesses its own identity. The brain regards each alter as a different and separate individual that is capable of fully taking control of the behavior of that individual.
The existence of two or more personalities within one person is called Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD). In recent specialist literature MPD is also called Syndrome of Multiple Personalities and Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). The basic principle of the Monarch program is that the brain protects itself from extreme trauma by consciously creating multiple personalities within one person.
An alter always appears based on terrible occurrences that cannot be dealt with, and are thus repressed. When heavily traumatized, the human mind builds a virtual wall around this painful memory. This wall functions as a sort of shield for the individual. The actual personality of this person doesn’t know what goes on in his subconscious. The primary personality of this person is being pushed aside for his own protection, and must make room for new identities. During this process, the alter takes over the original personality of the individual. These new (and often multiple) personalities are focused on one or more tasks. These tasks can be aimed at the execution of certain jobs, but also at coordinating the programmed personalities of the alters.
The wall, built around a traumatic event, also protects the identity of the programmers. The shield ensures that the Monarch slaves can live an ordinary life in order not to be recognized as such by people around them. As said, the Monarch program uses mind control based on a traumatic event. The complete programming of every Monarch slave is executed based on a trauma. Mengele’s research in Auschwitz was primarily aimed around the amount of pain and number of traumatic experiences a person can undergo without dying from it. Maybe now we can understand how Mengele was able to operate in Auschwitz without using sedation. He removed organs from living, and conscious, victims and sewed children together all without anesthesia! The experiments were statistically summarized for the Illuminati to immediately see how much torture a man can take and, ultimately, be enslaved based on a trauma. The results of Mengele’s research have been kept absolutely secret to this day. The success of Monarch Mind Control is mainly owed to the simple fact that a new personality can be created with continuous abuse. This new persona
lity can take over one’s consciousness at any given moment and knows nothing of the existence of other personalities in the same individual.
Each alter (new personality) receives a unique code from the programmers. This code can be activated at any
moment. As soon as the programmers give a certain code, the programmed alter is activated and takes control of the person. The alter that was in charge before becomes instantly inactive. The alters that exist within the Monarch program are bound to programmed paths. Should they venture outside their allocated “surroundings”, they will run into their demons. Each alter is no more than a tiny part of a large diabolical system and is but a small wheel in a large machine. One tiny wheel is not capable of fighting its oppression in a maze of thousands of wheels.
Programmed Monarch slaves can be found in each layer of our society. The ultimate goal of Monarch programming is to create people who go unnoticed in public life and are considered “normal”, but who can at any time be activated by their programmers to carry out assignments. There is a variant of the M
onarch programming aimed at influencing adults, yet mind control based on trauma and aimed at programmed split personalities (MPDs) is generally applied to children under the age of six.
According to several former Monarch slaves, it is customary that the Monarch program is applied to babies of just a few months old to children of age six. They do this because children under the age of six can be easily influenced.
When a child is raised in a certain way, it will be hard to later change or restructure that personality.
Of major importance here is the difference between Monarch slaves In the meantime, there are Monarch slaves that possess more than 100 different personalities.
464 Michaela Huber, Multiple Persönlichkeiten: Überlebende extremer Gewalt, Frankfurt am Main, 1995, 24.
465 Hans Ulrich Gresch, Unsichtbare Ketten: Der Missbrauch der Hypnose undanderer Trance-technieken durch Kriminelle, Sekten und Geheimdienste, Hrsg. 2003, 78.
466 Judith Spencer, Jenny: Das Martyrium eines Kindes, Frankfurt am Main 1995, 67.
From a personal interview with a victim of Josef Mengele who was programmed in a German concentration camp. This victim was smuggled via Canada to the United
States. Once in the United States, he again had to deal with Josef Mengele, who now continued his experiments under his new name, Dr. Green.
See interview with Cisco Wheeler, CKLN-FM Mind Control Series, part 22, Ryerson Polytechnical University Toronto, Ontario, Producer & Interviewer Wayne Morris, 1997.
Ulla Fröhling, Vater unser in der Hölle, Hamburg 1996, 18.
460 Michaela Huber, Multiple Persönlichkeiten: Überlebende extremer Gewalt, Frankfurt am Main, 1995, 24.
461 To achieve this, a number of different techniques (manipulation, indoctrination, conditioning, encoding, programming and brainwashing) are applied and combined.
462 Hans Ulrich Gresch, Unsichtbare Ketten: Der Missbrauch der Hypnose und anderer Trance-technieken durch Kriminelle, Sekten und Geheimdienste, Hrsg. 2003, 65.
within the hierarchy and those outside, the most important difference being the way the two types of slaves are programmed. Monarch slaves outside the hierarchy are indispensable to the conspirators. They
come in the shape of saboteurs, drug runners, murderers and suppliers of children. They are used to serve a certain purpose before being killed, often at a young age. Such Monarch slaves mostly come from the Third World where they
have been sold by their parents or given up to adoption agencies. Some of the children often live in special institutions with their adoptive parents. Children who don’t live with a blood relative are easy prey for the Illuminati. They are all too eager to buy them and turn them into programmed slaves. There is a living child
trade in the world. Eastern European girls are being brought to the West under false pretences. Not only are they forced into prostitution; they are also forced to bear children, which they are forced to give up to the Illuminati
Many of these future slaves outside the hierarchy are being born from women who have already been programmed. All these women have been told that it’s a great honor to sacrifice their children to Satan. Because these mothers “willingly” give up their children, these things hardly reach the outside world.
As far as the Monarch slaves within the hierarchy are concerned, their programming has already been planned before their birth. Beforehand, the Illuminati determine the position a child will take in the hierarchy. The child is usually conceived during a Satanic ritual and is expected to perform certain tasks within the Satanic hierarchy. His or her life will exclusively and completely be determined by the Illuminati. Many Monarch slaves within the hierarchy have been programmed to be multifunctional and are expected to be able to program other slaves. Their entire life will revolve around programming the lives of others. Nowadays second and third generation of Monarch slaves are occupied with the programming of others.
In addition, there are also generational Satanic families. They have been sold to Satan and their children, therefore, belong to the devil in a very special way. The fetuses of children from such families undergo demonization during special rituals. These kinds of rituals in which such demonizations take place are also called “moonchild rituals”. Creating these moonchildren is the greatest achievement in the sphere of magic these devil artists carry out. The thought behind creating a moonchild is that a perfect and clean soul is captured. This emotionally charged ritual is always accompanied by blood or even human sacrifice. The Monarch program uses mind control based on a traumatic experience to thus trigger the different personalities of a human being. The entire programming of
467 Report of the “Ritual Abuse Task-Force”, Los Angeles, March 15, 1991.
468 Katholiek Nieuwsblad, issue 43, July 21, 2000, 7.
469 Michaela Huber, Multiple Persönlichkeiten: Überlebende extremer Gewalt, Frankfurt am Main, 1995, 27.
470 Fritz Springmeier & Cisco Wheeler, The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave, Clackamas 1996, 203.
each individual Monarch slave is based on one or more traumatic experiences. The Illuminati decide which unforgettable traumatic event will be their base of programming. A method often used is premature birth. This method is crucial because the child is traumatized in a natural way. For a premature baby the lack of a comfortable maternal body will be experienced as a trauma. Such a start in life will make it easier for the programmers to mold the child. A premature birth will make child combative. When a child develops a strong will and a fighter’s attitude to
survive its premature birth, it will also be capable of living through the torture that comes with programming. Not all these children are premature, but since it’s the favorite method of the programmers the number of forced early births
is increasing.
The mothers who are pregnant with the children that will be programmed
also subjected to traumatic experiences during their pregnancies. The
intent is to
traumatize the expecting mothers in such a way that their children
are also influ-
enced. Besides this, some babies are tortured with thin needles ev
en as they are
still in their mother’s belly. Through the abdominal wall the unborn chil
dren are
poked at, each part of their tiny bodies injured.
At birth the Illuminati see to it
that the child first sees the person who will play a large part
in the programming.
In the eighteen months following the child’s birth, the programmer will
coax the
child lovingly. During this period, these loving words are the only things the
will hear. This way an intense bond between the child and his personal pr
mer develops naturally. The splitting of the child’s mind will not be
long following
this period of “bonding”. After the child is showered with love, ever
ything that is
safe and good is taken away. There is a cage in which the child is
subjected to
electroshocks. The child’s mind is manipulated in such a way that it
becomes numb. The child suffers hunger and cold and is left naked. When the
child sees his loving master after all this suffering (usually
after forty-two to sev-
enty-two hours of pain), he is highly emotional and carefully puts away
the mem-
ory of the previous painful hours. The child is happy and believes that hel
p has
finally come. In that specific moment, the programmer will show
his most horrible
side and force the child to come to terms with the events by ass
uming another per-
sonality. The former loving caretaker has turned into the child’s worst
enemy. The
child cannot comprehend the two extremes of his programmer: loving care
and torturer. The person the child trusted most is now also the one he
fears the
The next step is to establish whether or not the experiment was s
This test is usually executed when the child is about eighteen months ol
d. The
Hans Ulrich Gresch,
Unsichtbare Ketten: Der Missbrauch der Hypnose und
er Trance-technieken durch Kriminelle, Sekten und G
Hrsg. 2003, 16.
Heiner Gehring,
Versklavte Gehirne: Bewußtseinskontrolle und Verhal
Rottenburg 2004, 88.
Hans Ulrich Gresch,
Unsichtbare Ketten: Der Missbrauch der Hypnose und
er Trance-technieken durch Kriminelle, Sekten und G
Hrsg. 2003, 16.
The 13 Satanic Bloodlines 23 OCTOBER 2008.pdf
victims are tested to find out if they are now capable of splitt
ing their personalities
before the special programming can commence.
The original and most important torture to definitely split a child’s mind was car-
ried out by Mengele at a California Air Force base. The base w
as built to “test new
weapons”. Most of these “new weapons” involved the production of human robots
on a large scale. The production process of this Monarch Mind Control progra
took place in an airplane hangar. In this hangar were thousands of small
stacked as high as the ceiling. Each cage was just large enough to
hold a baby.
There were about 2000 to 3000 babies stocked in the hangar.
The cages in which the babies were locked were electrified so tha
t electroshocks
could be applied at any moment. The purpose here was again to split the
se chil-
dren’s personalities.
The cages had the macabre name “woodpecker grids”. The
victims were also subjected to sharp light flashes. These flashe
s were applied as a
means of hypnosis, causing them to imagine themselves living in another
sion. After the children had spent days in the woodpecker grid, the real
would start: the raping. These rapes were cruel and bestial, leaving
the memory of
it as very traumatic to the child.
The programmers also used video footage that influenced the subconscious. F
this purpose, they used large projectors that looked like binoculars. The
difference was that the right and left eye were showing completel
y different im-
ages. Through the right viewer, positive films such as fairytales
were shown.
Through the left eye was shown a horror show that consisted of horrifi
c porno-
graphic images of snuff (movies of sexual acts in which people are a
ctually killed)
and all sorts of ceremonial and ritual cruelties.
To traumatize the children, the
programmers also used trained dogs, monkeys and other animals as part
of the
programming. To split the children’s personality, they were often locked
in a cage
full of spiders and snakes. Moreover, the children were given soft drugs,
were administered through injections, while music was being played in t
he back-
ground. The application of this programming with children had several goals:
To cause pain
To force out-of-body experiences (experiences during which one has the f
ing that the mind leaves the body)
To intensify the trauma
To position each created alter ego in the desired tier or part of the child’s brain
Fritz Springmeier & Cisco Wheeler,
The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an
Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave
, Clackamas 1996, 166.
The slaves are under such pressure and control tha
t they would inflict themselves
with electroshock at the request of their “master”.
Huber, Michaela,
Multiple Persönlichkeiten: Überlebende extremer Gew
Frankfurt am Main, 1995, 27.
Fritz Springmeier & Cisco Wheeler,
The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an
Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave
, Clackamas 1996, 256.
The 13 Satanic Bloodlines 23 OCTOBER 2008.pdf
To reduce the child’s memory capacity
One of the victims, Cisco Wheeler, remembers that Dr. Josef Men
gele would come
in with an icy smile on his face, and holding a daisy. Mengele would st
and before
the child and start pulling the leaves one by one. His only words during t
events were: “I love you, I love you not, I love you, I love you not….”
The child
would be driven to madness, for he knew from experience all too well tha
t he
could be killed as soon as the last leaf was pulled from the flowe
r. A child that was
not loved was killed in the most horrifying manner. Other programmed chil
were forced to watch how the unloved child would be skinned alive.
To gain full dominance over the life of the victim, the programmers us
e the most
terrifying tortures. Children are buried alive or hung by their hands a
nd feet while
being sexually abused. Rabbits, dogs and cats are brutally slaughtered
while the
children watch or take part in the killings. Dogs and snakes are used f
or sexual acts
with children. Human faeces, urine, sperm and blood play important roles
in hu-
miliation sessions. Children are rubbed with these bodily fluids and of
ten forced to
drink a cocktail mixture of the fluids. The live skinning and bleeding to dea
th of
victims is also used quite often. Survivors say that victims
are even boiled and
eaten, and baby fat used to make candles.
In California, there were several crematoria where fire tr
aumas were created. In
these institutions, children are forced to watch other children (with
whom they had
been close) being burned alive. One child was completely burned to ashe
s because
of the extreme heat used. The ashes retained the contours of the chil
d until some-
body opened a window. The tiniest air stream caused the ashes to lose
their shape.
The other child that was forced to watch from a glass window fel
t the heat and
heard the screams of the child in the oven and was forever trauma
The fire
trauma is carried out in such a way that the child watching is forced to imagine that
he will burn from the heat. This trauma is consequently used as a bas
is for the
“melting stadium”. After the melting process, the programmer is abl
e to determine,
in detail, what the programmed alter will do.
As soon as the children reach the level of absolute obedience, they
are lowered
into a deep well. Here they are given orders, such as “cut yourself
”, “give yourself
an electroshock” and other assignments to maim themselves. These
tortures in the
well are usually a great success, because the alters wound thems
elves in gruesome
When the child reaches the age of five, his own will have been compl
etely de-
stroyed. In the place of the individual innate will and opinion is now the
lative, dependent slave. The weak and strong points of the child are spec
Fritz Springmeier & Cisco Wheeler,
The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an
Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave
, Clackamas 1996, 371.
Ibidem, 66.
Ibidem, 220.
Ibidem, 344.
The 13 Satanic Bloodlines 23 OCTOBER 2008.pdf
documented and consequently it’s decided what role each child will ful
fill in soci-
ety. In detail the programmers describe what the assignment of a
certain child will
be and what it will mean for the Illuminati.
Among the Monarch slaves are many artists and film stars. Marilyn Monroe w
for example, a Monarch slave who was robbed of her own personality. Thi
s sur-
faced in the film that was made about her life. Lena Pepitone wrot
e in her book
Marilyn Monroe Confidential An Intimate Personal Account
: “Everywhere were
floor-to-ceiling mirrors. Even the dining room in the back part of the l
iving room
was decorated with a mirrored plate table.”
The use of mirrors is of crucial importance in the programming of M
slaves. The slaves see thousands of reflections within themselv
es. The decoration
of Marilyn’s house completely fitted her inner state of mind: al
l mirrors. Many
Monarch slaves fill their house with mirrors; Marilyn however,
did this to an ex-
treme. In that context the song texts of Jimi Hendrix, also a Monarch s
lave, are
interesting to read. The title
Room full of mirrors
leaves no doubt about the fact
that Jimi Hendrix was a Monarch slave.
I used to live in a room full of mirrors
All I could see was me
Then I take my spirit and I smash my mirrors
And now the whole world is here for me to see
Now I’m searching for my love to be
A broken glass was solvin’ my brain
Cut and screamin’ crowdin’ in my head
A broken glass was loud in my brain
It used to fall on my dreams and cut me in my bed
Drugs are an important part of the method used to program people’s thoughts.
According to one of his biographies, Jimi Hendrix didn’t want anything to do
drugs, but his manager forced him to take them. Shortly after that he be
came ad-
It’s important to remember that mind control will always be part of the life of t
Satanic Monarch children. They will never escape abuse. The abuse of
the hierar-
chic Monarch slaves will not be visible on their physique, which
is common with
the slaves who don’t belong to the Illuminati elite. Even though the sca
rs of torture
and control are less visible in the members of the Satanic elit
e, they too suffer
many traumas.
The torture that is part of the Monarch program is considered “condi
with the goal of developing specific talents. Those who are programmed
eventually function according to a certain plan and are subjected to a
out system. They are shown a certain image of the future and recei
ve a code word
Lena Pepitone,
Marilyn Monroe Confidential an Intimate Personal Ac
York, 1979, 16.
The 13 Satanic Bloodlines 23 OCTOBER 2008.pdf
that is stored in their subconscious. This code word will, at a met
iculously chosen
moment, mobilize their entire body. They have been whispered to: “In e
very one
of us there is a primitive force which takes, and one which gives.
These primitive
forces make us who we are. Fulfill your destiny.”
You can distinguish many different alters. An alter that is being
used for espio-
nage and blackmail is called a beta (sex slave). Sex slaves a
re programmed to pos-
sess skills to use their charm, optimize seductive skills, and to be creative
and char-
ismatic. Political leaders and ministers are often connected to betas so that t
hey can
be blackmailed at any desired moment. Another special alter is progr
ammed to
turn a man into a hitman. They are known as “delta killers”. They ar
e slaves with
one purpose: murdering a person. It was such killers that were res
ponsible for the
deaths of John F. Kennedy and his brother, Marlyn Monroe, Martin Luther Ki
Jr., John Lennon, Princess Diana, Pim Fortuyn and many others. By means of mind
control, the true killers (clients) are able to have their dirty
work done by their
programmed alters. That’s what makes it hard to expose the actual
killers of major
public figures and personalities.
Monarch slaves are not only murderers or spies, more often they can
be found in
high social functions where they can profoundly influence human existence. Ex-
amples can be found in governments, church organizations or in science, e
tion, finance, media and many other branches of society. In order not
to reveal the
true motive, all peoples in these posts are programmed personalities. This is im
tant because using non-programmed people could lead to the truth being exposed.
Sooner or later secret plans would leak if non-programmed individuals were used.
In the last fifty years, a select category of Monarch slave
s has helped build the
largest empire that ever existed. This Illuminati Empire ha
s been primarily built on
deceit, fraud and economic manipulation. These Monarch slaves are econom
assassins that are strategically located all over the world
in both rich and poor
countries. Poor countries with valuable resources are being cheated by
these Mon-
arch slaves out of billions by money lending practices that leave t
hem unable to
repay the debt and at the mercy of Illuminati control over their
larger parts of these loans are being allocated by the Illuminati.
One of the conditions of these loans is that ninety percent of them ne
ed to be re-
deemed to companies such as Halliburton or Bechtel. These companies a
re in the
hands of the Illuminati and, consequently, execute large infrastructural
such as airports, motorways, harbors and power plants in these countrie
s. The re-
ceiving countries are left with a debt plus interest. The poor inhabit
ants of these
countries are burdened with these sky-high debts that cannot possibly be
These countries become totally dependent on the Illuminati. The multi-bi
dollar profit from such arrangements go straight to the Illuminati,
and from that
moment onward they control the entire political system of these countries.
The World Bank together with the IMF accommodates
the greater part of the fund-
ing used by the “economic assassins”.
The 13 Satanic Bloodlines 23 OCTOBER 2008.pdf
If the Monarch slaves fail, a coup is attempted or a revolution f
orced with the
help of different secret services. If this doesn’t work, a specia
l elite unit carries out
liquidations. And when the time has come, the leader or dictator of a
country will
suffer a “heart attack” or some other accident. If all this f
ails, the military division
of the New World Order comes in.
Ecuador is a typical example of a country that has come under the
control of the
New World Order with the help of Monarch slaves. The riches of oil
wells in Ec-
uador can be compared to those of the Middle East. That’s why the count
ry was
forced to give up rainforests in the Amazon to large corporations that
belong to the
global elite. In the late sixties they started drilling for oil i
n the Amazon basin. The
country had been granted a large loan with the future extraction of oil a
s pledge.
Employees and missionaries of the Summer Institute of Linguistics
(SIL), an evan-
gelical community funded by the Rockefellers, encouraged the local India
n people
to leave their land. Their reward would consist of free food, drink, c
lothing, board-
ing, education and medical treatment.
Ecuador had suffered greatly under a series of dictatorships. Jaime
Roldós was
the first elected president after a long history of dictators. Rol
dós was the great
exception. He recognized some connections politicians on the other side of
Panama Canal seemed not to be noticing. He noticed the undercurrents tha
t threat-
ened to change the world into a world empire making its people mere s
Roldós was a man who believed that the rights of the poor were the r
of the politicians.
He was one of the few politicians in his day that wasn’t afra
to fight the Illuminati. He not only fought for preservation of his land, bu
t also
battled the large oil companies.
In 1981, Roldós’ government presented a new law for the extraction of oil t
o the
parliament. The new law anticipated a new basic relation betwee
n Ecuador and the
oil companies. The leaders of the New World Order expected this exampl
e to carry
far beyond the Latin American borders and spread through the entire worl
d. They
responded as expected: they did everything within their power to make
Roldós look bad. The press portrayed the first elected president of E
cuador as a
second Fidel Castro. Lobbyists swarmed to Ecuador with briefcases
filled with
slush money to undermine the regime. There was also a fierce batt
le with the
Rockefellers’ Texaco.
But Roldós was not easily intimidated. To the contrary, he emphatic
ally pointed
out the conspiracy between politics and oil. He openly accused the Summ
er Insti-
tute of Linguistics (SIL) of cooperating with the oil companies and didn’
t shy
away from evicting them. A few weeks after he had presented his
new law for the
extraction of oil and the eviction of the SIL missionaries, Roldós wa
rned each
company in his country that if they profited from the Ecuadorian people
, they had
Only in rare cases such as Yugoslavia and Iraq was
the army used as a last resort.
John Perkins,
Confessions of an Economic Hitman
San Francisco, 2004, 210.
Ibidem, 211.
The 13 Satanic Bloodlines 23 OCTOBER 2008.pdf
to leave the country immediately. Then something happened that was not t
unexpected. After a long speech in the Atahualpa Station in Quito, Ecua
dor’s capi-
tal, Roldós was killed in a helicopter crash on May 24, 1981. Roldós had been
warned of an attack the very same day and had taken precautions. He
left with two
helicopters. At the very last moment before his return, a safet
y adviser convinced
him to take the other helicopter, the one that blew up.
Osvaldo Hurtado became Ecuador’s new president. Not only did he let the
Summer Institute of Linguistics resume their work, but also by the e
nd of that year
an ambitious plan started. It was the increase of the extraction of
oil by Texaco in
the Gulf of Guayaquil and in the Amazon basin. The oil companies pumped
wastewater directly into the rivers of the Amazon, deliberate
ly killing people,
plants and animals. Daily, eighteen million liters of toxic water
containing heavy
metals, oil and other carcinogens were pumped directly into the rivers.
Ecuador was completely damned. The Illuminati received almost the entire prof
of the excavated crude oil. Today the country loses fifty percent of
its national
budget to the repayment of debts, an impossible feat to accomplish. For
exactly two percent of housing and medical supplies go to the Ecuadorian t
The country is by no means capable in paying off its debt. In early
2006, the gov-
ernment was bold enough to protest against clandestine oil drilling and the
repossession of land in the Amazon area. As punishment, the United State
s im-
posed several sanctions on Ecuador, among which included a ten-billion-dolla
fine. Just like all the other South American countries, Ecuador is ba
cked against a