The Great Seduction – Walt Disney

by Jan 17, 2024Entertainment

Excerpts from the Book 

The 13 Satanic Bloodlines of the Illuminati, by Fritz Springmier


Walt Disney was the man that gave us cartoons, theme parks and a
mazing mov-
ies for all ages. Disney has become the largest corporation in the
area of entertain-
ment. Most people are convinced that Disney films are both harmless and pleasant.
Walt Disney is one of the Illuminati’s best deceptions! The trea
cherous image of
“the wholesome Disney movie” is a major triumph of the Illumi
nati. Behind Dis-
ney entertainment dark things lurk: the so-called snuff movies (in w
hich people are
actually being killed on-camera) and hard and violent porn. Joe Roth, dire
ctor of
Walt Disney Studios, also heads daughter companies like Touchstone, Mir
and Hollywood Pictures. These companies are front companies for pornogr
movies. However, the main public will never see the pornography that
has been
produced for years by the Illuminati.
Walt Disney was, in reality, a sadistic porn king pin who enjoyed m
aking porno-
graphic movies. Behind the scenes at Disney, we also find white sla
very, mind
control of Monarch slaves and the temptation of several generations t
o witchcraft.
Nobody in the world has managed to sell witchcraft as effectivel
y as the Disney
The well-known movie
Return from Witches Mountain
was one of the most
powerful encouragements for witchcraft in its day. Mind control and Mo
slaves were paraded on-screen deliberately.
One of the biggest temptations to witchcraft and Satanism is the
production of the
Star Wars
movies. Everything in this trilogy has to do with
Satanism and witchcraft, which became prolonged and even more pronounced
with each subsequent episode. Like many other Hollywood productions,
is used to program people into becoming Monarch slaves. And all that
under the cover of innocent entertainment.
The film company ABC produced the Disney vehicle
Wild Palms
, a movie that
clearly showed how mind-control works and how the Illuminati live. It
is about the
way children are kidnapped and babies are switched at birth. It eve
n showed how
cartoons are used to teach children to kill.
Wild Palms
also showed the intercon-
nection of the bloodlines through deliberate marriages amongst the Illumina
ti. The
name “Illuminati”, however, is not mentioned anywhere in the movie, but
the simi-
larities between “The Father” and the leadership of the Illumina
ti are quite obvi-
ous. In the movie the slaves addressed the programmers as “Fathe
r” and “Mother”,
with one of the main characters stating: “There will be a day when we wake up and
realize that this country isn’t ours, and nobody will give a damn.” The
David Grossman,
On Killing
, Boston 1996, 308.
Ibidem, 302.
Based on documents and information by Fritz Spring

showed that nothing happens by accident. The movie’s producer, Bruce Wagner,
clearly showed his knowledge of mind control. The fact that the movie
was pro-
duced and released is testament to the arrogance of the Illuminati,
who target and
program thousands of people for criminal intentions. The masses do not re
that there is no difference between the fictional violence in thes
e movies and the
violence that we see in the real world! It would appear that the
Illuminati assume
that, should they be recognized, “nobody will give a damn.”
Parents and adults will be shocked to learn what lies hidden in Dis
ney’s car-
toons. The master plan of the Illuminati involves disturbing the fa
mily life by set-
ting children against parents and encouraging violence. Ultimately, the
are working towards establishing a violent society. To achieve their
there has to be a lot of violence in movies, on TV and in cartoons. Parent
s do not
realize that their children are continuously being exposed to a cocktail
of occult-
ism, witchcraft and subliminal pornography. As an example, the animated m
The Little Mermaid
contains various pornographic images, incorporating male
genitalia on the cover of the video.
The occult world of black magic also supports Disney’s movie industry
and, as
early as the 1920s and 1930s, knew what had to be done in the name of the mast
plan of the New World Order:
A 1920 Disney movie shows children skipping class successfully, shopli
and playing a cheerful game of hockey. A veritable encouragement of bad
The 1925 movie
Alice Stage Struck
shows how little Alice is bound and
gagged, and dragged to a lumber saw. The Illuminati cleverly address
the curi-
osity of the “child” inside each adult person. The Illuminati want
to show that
occult witchcraft is a common phenomenon.
In the early 1940s, Disney experienced financial difficulties. Nels
on Rockefel-
ler helped out by paying for the production of cartoons about South America.
The Three Caballeros
shows an illustrious Donald Duck chasing after South
American women.
In 1934, Walt Disney made a cartoon about the goddess of secret religi
called Persephone. In this movie, entitled
The Goddess of Spring
, Satan ab-
ducts Persephone to take her as his bride and bring her to the underworl
d. Af-
ter six months she is allowed to return to earth. It is remarkable
that the rituals
surrounding Persephone are the same as the rituals that have their
within the Illuminati.
The 1951 Donald Duck cartoon
Corn Chips
shows how Donald hits his neph-
ews Huey and Louis over the head. Huey and Louis later return with a
bag of
stolen popcorn, which they empty over Donald’s front yard. The “eye for
eye” principle is, dialectically speaking, completely justified i
n Disney mov-
In the movie
Alice in Wonderland
Disney shows how Alice walks away from
her responsibilities and partakes in wonderful and carefree adventures.

In Disney’s
The Little Mermaid
the castles are male sexual organs.
In the 1951 cartoon
Get Rich Quick
, Goofy wins a huge amount of money at a
poker game. His wife, who first was against him playing poker, immedi
forgives him when she sees how much he has won. Quite a reprehensible f
of dialectics.
cartoons were made for television and are clear examples
of Satan’s demonic teachings. They tell the story of a race of de
mons that pro-
tect the city of New York. One of the gargoyles is even called “Demonia”.
In another cartoon, Mickey Mouse is shown sniffing cocaine!
Whoever thinks that Disney only creates fairytales is very m
uch mistaken. In these
fairytales, facts are replaced with fiction to facilitate
mind control. Both
contain occult principles like death and resurrection.
White and the Seven Dwarves
contains very important occult theme’s that were
used to program Monarch children.
In 1940, Disney produced the two animated movies
which were used by the Illuminati to program children. Although
was a flop, it was a perfect mind control tool.
In the 1950s, the Illuminati used Disney’s animated movies
Alice in Wonder-
The Wizard of Oz
as a basis for programming Monarch slaves.
On October 27, 1954 Walt Disney’s
Wonderful World of Color
, a celebration
of Disney’s movies, was broadcasted on television. The words “wonderful”
“world” and “color” were chosen deliberately by an Illuminati m
ind program-
mer. Specific colors and color combinations were chosen for the Disney
toons and theme parks, all as part of mind control.
In the
Magician’s Apprentice
(a cartoon about the ancient theme of total con-
trol over the earth), we see Mickey Mouse getting involved in a l
ove-hate rela-

tionship. Such a love-hate relationship is used to traumatize and pr
In America, the television program
The Wonderland Show
was shown in sev-
eral states. This show was designed to program the thoughts of children. W
see girls walk through a mirror with the three lives of Thomasina,
nied by the song “I’m a Little Teapot”. Eventually, someone indeed is
into a teapot!
The appearance of a fictional reality is what makes these mo
vies so dangerous.
Behind this façade hides the ideology of occultism, which is passed down
generation to generation and is one of the most far-reaching aspects of occultism in
the world.
Walt Disney worked hard on creating a seemingly benign and innocent image
and was not afraid to squash property owners, steal ideas and leave a
trail of vic-
tims. For decades, Walt Disney was a heavy drinker and alcoholic. H
owever, with
all the power of the media behind him he had nothing to worry about, because
nothing ever reached the light of day. These kinds of façades of moral
purity and
sobriety usually hide extremely sinister and Satanic practices
. Adolf Hitler, for
example, was someone who washed his hands several times a day. Walt
washed his hands several times an hour! It is important to know in thi
s respect that
an alter ego that is forced to take on a different personality or
to carry out an Illu-
minati command compulsively washes his hands in pretence of innocence. Wa
Disney was a Freemason in the thirty-second degree and a dedicate
d supporter of
occultism and born in Spain, out of wedlock. It is suspected that Isabel
le Zamora
Ascendo was his mother. Upon investigating his history, it was discove
red that this
Hollywood mogul was related to the Bush family, porn king Hugh Heffner, Pr
cess Diana and Hollywood star Clint Eastwood. Many researchers hav
e studied
Walt Disney’s legacy, and those who found out his well hidden secre
ts and pub-
lished them faced terrible hardships.