One of The Most Powerful Flat Earth Videos Ever Produced – By National Public Television No Less!

by Dec 11, 2024News in General0 comments

Are we living in The Truman Show?

How do the noble gasses remain earth bound, if we are on a spinning globe rotating at 1000 mph, revolving around the sun at approximately 68k mph, while the sun is hurtling through space at about 600k mph?

Can anyone demonstrate that concept in a lab?

How can we pass through the Van Allen Belt of radiation?

Are most NASA scientists Christians or hold to a Christian worldview?


These are perplexing questions that if one truly seeks will find don’t have easy answers.


The History of Flat Earth and Globe Earth Models

Click here to Read more about the subject at The Encyclopedia Britannica. 


Fish Eye Lenses

In the clip below Eric Dubay demonstrates the fish eye lens and the standard len s photographic phenomena as shown from a height of 121,000 feet above sea level.


Red Bull Free Fall

Watch the famous highest free fall video by Red Bull, notice the fisheye effect changes the earth’s curvature as the camera beifely points above the horizon!