Radical Islam claims life of Christian in Nigeria

by Nov 6, 2013Christian Discipleship, End Times, News in General, Physical, Spiritual, Worldview Wars0 comments

NIGERIA: Christian Killed by Boko Haram Militants

On Sept. 24, Boko Haram militants surrounded the home of 60-year-old Sunday Luka in Gwoza and set his house on fire. Luka died of smoke inhalation inside the burning house.

About three months earlier, Luka and his 14-year-old son fled their home in Gwoza after receiving death threats from Boko Haram. A pastor in Adamawa state provided refuge for Luka, his son and another refugee from Gwoza while Luka looked for a safer place to relocate his family.

On Sept. 23, Luka returned to Gwoza to share food and funds that he had received from VOM with his family. The following morning, members of the Islamic extremist group Boko Haram burned down the house with Luka inside.

VOM Sources

Please Pray!

Please pray for Sunday Luka’s family in their time of grief and loss. Pray that Boko Haram will be uprooted from Nigeria and that a spirit of peace will reign in their place.

“And the God of peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen.” Romans 16:20

VOM assists hundreds of pastors in Nigeria and also provides food, clothing and medical aid to Nigerian Christians who are attacked.


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