Steve Lightle
Prophesied, by The Power of The Holy Spirit, that The Jews would leave Russia, the United States of America, and many other nations, back in 1974 Christian American-Jewish businessman Steve Lightle saw a vision of future events back in 1974 regarding the exodus from Russia. In the future when the US turns it’s back on God the Jews will leave America and go to Israel!
Ezekiel 36 I will leave NONE of the Jewish people in the nations that I’ve scattered them.
Before Hitler came to power, God raised up 5 Jewish prophets including Max Nordow, the nations rejected the Jews who were trying to flee, Hitler offered the Jews for sale at $250/head, but the nations rejected them.
If we help the Jewish people it will change, cataclysmic events are coming that we will blame the Jews for. We MUST stand up for them and help them to return to Israel!