Blessings and Curses – Derek Prince

by Aug 1, 2018Blessings & Curses

How to be set free from the curses we face:

Scriptural Verses for Our Release:

Gal 3:13-14
“Christ has redeemed us from the curse having become a curse for us that we might receive the blessing of Abraham.”

Eph 1:7
“In Him (Jesus) we have redemption through His bloo”

Col 1:12-14
“The Father has qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light; He has delivered us from the domain of darkness, and translated us into the kingdom of the Son of His love in whom we have redemption through His blood.”

1st John 3:8
“For this purpose the Son of God was revealed that He might destroy the works of the Devil!”

Luke 10:19
“Behold I give to you authority over All the power of the enemy.”

 Now do this:

  • Confess your faith in Christ, because Jesus is the High priest
  • Commit Yourself to obedience. Hear God’s voice and do what He says!
  • Confess any known sins, either by yourself or your ancestors. You are not guilty for them but you might be affected by them.
  • Forgive all other persons, forgive anything against anyone! Which is a decision – it is tearing up the IOU.
  • Renounce all association with the occult.
  • Get rid of all contact objects which bring curses into your home.

NOW you may release yourself on earth.

Now you may confess and expect the blessing of Abraham.


Speak this confession over yourself:
“Through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross we have come out from under the curse and entered into the blessing of Abraham who God blessed in ALL things!”