The Bible & Cosmology—Does God Teach Us the Earth is a Flat, Enclosed System?

by Feb 28, 2024Christian Doctrine, Flat Earth

Why Do We Believe What We Believe?

God created everything in 6 literal days as the Bible states clearly in the beginning of the book of Genesis. Most Christians have sided with modern science & government institutions such as NASA, which claim to have visited the moon and various other planets within our solar system. Believing we have escaped the “firmament” that the Bible describes as a hardened canopy separating waters above the atmosphere (or sky/heavens) from waters below.

But are we sure that this has happenbed? Does modern science actually prove the existence of other planets, stars as suns, and the earth as a globe and not the center of the Creation?

What else does the bible say about our realm?

Were you aware that the Copernican theory of our natural world may not be as sure as we once understood. Consider this quote from none other than Edwin Hubble, noted astronomer and discoverer of the Red Shift Theory, which notably disrupted Atheism & Biblical Christianity.

In speaking of the difficulty in proving the solar system model of the earth as a spinning globe…

Venture On if You Dare…

It is within this disturbing question of our reality that I invite you to enjoy the following presentation by Rob Skiba below…