Hillary Clinton’s Record of Malfeasance
From Little Rock to the White House, to Foggy Bottom and…
Has she met her match in Trey Gowdy and the House Select Committee on Benghazi?
“[She] who permits [herself] to tell a lie once, finds it much easier to do it a second and a third time, till at length it becomes habitual; [she] tells lies without attending to it, and truths without the world’s believing [her]. This falsehood of the tongue leads to that of the heart, and in time depraves all its good disposition.” —Thomas Jefferson (1785)
Long before the Great Prevaricator Bill Clinton and his chief administrator Hillary duped their way to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, their tenure in Arkansas was defined by relationships with radicals, real-estate shenanigans, drug dealing associates, Ponzi schemes and “lucky investment returns” such as Hillary’s one-in-31-trillion cattle futures profits. However, none of that corruption stuck to the Teflon couple.
What follows is a concise record of Hillary and Bill Clinton’s deceptions, obfuscations and subterfuges, from Little Rock to Chappaqua. Given that Hillary is (for the moment) the national frontrunner for the 2016 Democrat presidential nomination, I’ve compiled some of the more ignoble examples of her abject corruption from the Clintons’ White House “co-presidency” years (recall that Bill promised “You get two for the price of one”) — and the years since. (For a complete chronological listing of our Clinton campaign coverage, check out the Clinton tags.) But don’t delay — the terminus of Hillary’s political aspirations may come sooner than she expected — if her email server lies results in felony indictments.
Indeed, I should also note here that she is at substantial risk of federal indictment related to her malfeasance, including an expanded investigation into the Clinton Foundation. As Charles Krauthammer asserts, “The person who will decide the nomination on the Democratic side is FBI Director, James Comey.” For the record, I believe the DNC is calculating that she is now a placeholder for Joe Biden or Elizabeth Warren. On the other hand, the convention delegates may well choose a wildcard candidate who has not been a contender at any level, thus providing a fresh face to run on a clean slate just months ahead of the election.
If I had to choose just one quote that best defines the Clintons’ philosophy on governing, it would be these recent words from Hillary: “I don’t believe you change hearts. I believe you change laws, you change allocation of resources, you change the way systems operate.” This is the re-warmed doctrine of Karl Marx and the mantra of today’s Democratic Party statists.
1993: After the suicide of Hillary’s longtime friend and White House counsel Vince Foster, files “disappear” from his office, impeding the investigation into his death — files that would most assuredly have shown the Clintons’ fingerprints to be on various nefarious enterprises. (Sound familiar?)
1993-94: The Clintons’ White House “security director,” Craig Livingstone, a former bar bouncer and Clinton political hack, is caught with more than 900 classified FBI background files that he’d requested on leading Republicans from the Reagan and Bush administrations. Hillary lied in her testimony about the files.
1993-96: Hillary convenes illegal secret panels to create a socialized health care plan, which was exposed by Republican House investigators and subsequently went down in flames. Her ClintonCare proposal was thus shelved until Barack Obama became president, but she is without question the grande dame of what eventually became ObamaCare.
1993-97: The Clintons turn the IRS into their personal attack dog, and the agency went after every major conservative group in the nation, including The Heritage Foundation, the National Rifle Association, Concerned Women of America, the National Center for Public Policy Research, the American Policy Center, American Cause, Citizens for Honest Government, Progress and Freedom Foundation, and Citizens Against Government Waste. Not even conservative publications such as National Review and American Spectator were spared. In 1996, The Washington Times researched the targeting of these organizations and could not identify a single liberal advocacy organization that had been audited during Bill’s first term. (Sound familiar?)