And here is a portion of an article taken from a 50’s era writing in the Elks magazine, credited to J Edgar Hoover:

Make no mistake about it. The strategy of the communist conspiracy has not changed. The tactics only have altered and they are presently designed to develop a climate more favorable to conspiratorial activities. Subversion, infiltration and espionage can best be carried out when the people of a nation have been lulled into a state of lethargy.

Many times I have thought that if this young Republic is to fall before the grinding onslaught of a slave-driven regime, it will not be solely because an enemy-directed fifth column has worked its way into the body politic. Rather, it will be because we who are citizens are indifferent.

It is to me appalling that so few among all the citizens who daily enjoy the God-given blessings of being free Americans are sufficiently interested in their future, and that of their children, to acquaint themselves fully with the facts of communism. Too many people condemn the word yet have not the vaguest notion of the evil which the word encompasses.

A handful of inspired men gave us our freedom. They cannot preserve it for us. That responsibility rests with the individual American. And we must now face the harsh truth that the objectives of communism are being steadily advanced because many of us do not readily recognize the means used to advance them. The communist, meanwhile, does not allow himself the luxury of inertia. He is intensely active. Because of him, the menace of communism in this country will remain a menace until the American people make themselves aware of the techniques of communism. No one who truly understands what it really is can he taken in by it. Yet the individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent.

The straightforward American cannot conceive of another citizen enlisting in the espionage service of a foreign country, or deliberately propagating discontent, hatred and disunity at the orders of an alien group. He cannot believe that any American would serve a philosophy which moves inexorably toward the goal of reducing the status of the individual to that of slave.
Our frontier forefathers faced great dangers. They encountered heat and storm and starvation. Again and again they joined in battle against a hostile foe. But our forefathers were very much aware of one thing. That was the nature of the enemy they faced. Insofar as possible, they prepared themselves for eventualities. When the campfires flickered low on the long trek west, a watch was set. Those men of the frontier knew that awareness of danger is the first requisite if one is to combat that danger with any degree of effectiveness. Until the American citizen learns for himself the nature of the present menace, communism will continue to be a deadly danger.

The conscientious citizen asks, “How can one be sure what the truth is? How can it be winnowed out of the welter of propaganda which the communists and their apologists spew forth?”

All that I can say is—and I repeat what I have said many times—the American citizen must hew to a line comprised of a little skepticism, a lot of knowledge, monumental faith, and an everlasting desire to get the facts. He must ascertain for himself what the facts are. He must accept nothing less than the facts— neither the majority version nor the minority version. He must view all the evidence until the face of truth is plain.