The Miraculous Signs of the First Century – Has Jesus Already Returned?

by Apr 15, 2024Church History, Dispensationalism, Modified Preterism, Preterism0 comments

Did the Historical Destruction of Jerusalem Actually Prove The Ministry of Jesus Christ as The Messiah of God?

“The Holy City they shall tread under foot for forty two months”

— Revelation 11:2 the exact duration that the Romans besieged Jerusalem culminating in the destruction of the temple in AD 70, 3 and a half years.


Charles Spurgeon, who was alive at the time that the doctrine of Dispensationalism was Gaining a Following, a doctrine that essentially teaches the 7 churches of the book of Revelation pertained to church ages rather than specific first century churches, and point to a fulfillment of the ages after 7 thousand years of church age epocs and the ultimate 2nd coming of Jesus Christ—a doctrine that, since 1850’s, has taken hold of the modern church, and had horrible implications:

He said; “We never know what we will hear next, and perhaps it is a mercy that these absurdities may be revealed one at a time that we may be able to endure their stupidity without dying of amazement”…(regarding the recent release in 1830 of John Nelson Darby’s doctrine of dispensationalism).

On the increase of His Government

Said Spurgeon in his famous sermon On the increase of His Government…”it would be easy to show at our present rate of progress the kingdoms of our Lord may become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ…Many in the church are giving up on the idea… except of the idea of the advent of the Christ…which will become a popular doctrine, chimes with our own idelness…the Holy Ghost would never suffer…the imputation that He would not convert the world.”

“the false docrine that we are doomed to failure…its the notion that Christians will slip into apostasy…any new outbreak of war any rise in crime was viewed as progress the expected collapse of civilization waiting for Jesus to come save us…you don’t polish brass on a sinking ship…”

100 years after Spurgeon David Chilton, in his book Paradise Restored declared; “for too long God’s people have been characterized by despair and defeat and retreat. For too long Christians have headed the false doctrine that we are doomed to failure — that Christians cannot win…its the notion that until Jesus returned Christians will steadily lose ground to the enemy the future of the church, we are told, is to be steady slide into apostasy…some of our teachers sadly informed us that we are living in the age of Laodicea a ref to a lukewarm church…any new evidence of evil was viewed as “progress”…a sign that Jesus will come save us at any moment…”


“I am, and you will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of Power, and coming with the clouds of heaven.”
— Mark 14:62

Is there any Ancient Historical Record of There Being Seen the Face of a Man Over The Holy of Holies at the Destruction of Jerusalem?

“…Hide Us from the Face of Him Who Sits on the Throne!”

“19Men will flee to caves in the rocks and holes in the ground, away from the terror of the LORD and from the splendor of His majesty, when He rises to shake the earth.”

— Isaiah 2:19


So, If Jesus ALREADY Returned, What Do Christians Do NOW?!!!

Jesus Already Conquered the “Beast” of Revelation, in AD 70.

The Video below also proves that the book of Revelation was written to John between the years AD 54 and AD 68.

And that Rome was the embodiement of the Beast that arises out of the sea with 7 heads and 10 horns, spoken of in Revelation and the Book of Daniel the prophet.

Could Everything Have Been Already Fulfilled, in AD 70, with the Destruction of Jerusalem & the Jewish Temple? And if so, What Does that Mean for Us Today?

An interesting interview with Don Preston

The “Sign of The Son of Man” Appearing in the Heavens!


“As Lightning flashes in the east and is visible in the west”.


“Then you will see the Coming of The Son of Man Coming in the clouds with His Holy Angels and with Great Glory”.


“With the voice of the Archangel and trumpet call of God”.


R.C.Sproul Book:

The Lst Days According to Jesus

[[https://www.truthaccordingtoscripture…]] – all videos
   • Video  |Crisis in Eschatology R.C.Sproul M.I.L.H.U. – YouTube]]\\
   • Ligonier (R.C. Sproul) Part 1الأيام ا…  |Ligonier (R.C. Sproul) Part 1 – YouTube]]\\
   • Ligonier (R.C. Sproul) Part 2 الأيام …  |Ligonier (R.C. Sproul) Part 2 – YouTube]]\\
   • Ligonier (R.C. Sproul) Part 3 الأيام …  |Ligonier (R.C. Sproul) Part 3 – YouTube]]\\

Bruce Gore:

professor [[   / gorebruce  |Bruce Gore – YouTube]]\\
   • 3. The Apocalypse in the Third and Fo…  |
3. The Apocalypse in the Third and Fourth Centuries]]
   • 4. The Historicist Approach to Revela…  |
4. The Historicist Approach to Revelation]]
   • 5. Jonathan Edwards and Puritan Post-…  |
5. Jonathan Edwards and Puritan Post-Millennialism – YouTube]]\\
   • 32. Herod the Great  |
32. Herod the Great]] [[
   • 33. Tiberius and Christian Beginnings  |
33. Tiberius and Christian Beginnings – YouTube]]\\
   • 34. Caligula, Agrippa, and a Sermon t…  |
34. Caligula, Agrippa, and a Sermon to Cornelius – YouTube]]\\
   • 35. Claudius and the Journeys of Paul  |
35. Claudius and the Journeys of Paul]]
   • 36. Nero and Imperial Persecution of …  |
36. Nero and Imperial Persecution of Christians]]
[[   • 37. The Fall of Jerusalem and the Apo…  |
37. The Fall of Jerusalem and the Apocalypse]] N.T. Wright – more symbolic beliefs Kenneth Gentry David Chilton James Stuart Russell

The incredible book as a proof of the divinity of Jesus Christ!

by George Peter Holford.

Scholarly Work

Free PDF of the astonishing events surrounding the decade of horrors that were described as “The Great Tribulation” by The Apostle John in the first chapters of the Book of Revelation.

The Parousia: A Critical Inquiry into the New Testament Doctrine of Our Lord Christ’s Second Coming Paperback – January 1, 1878

The Parousia is a New Testament commentary by James Stuart Russell, wherein the authority attempts to clarify and explain aspects of prophecy explained in the Gospels and elsewhere in the NT.

The term ‘Parousia’ is derived from a Greek word meaning simply, ‘a coming’ or ‘a presence’. In the context of the Bible and Christianity, it refers to the return of Jesus Christ as a core prophecy of the New Testament scripture. It is by investigating all of this material that James Russell seeks to make clear what exactly the Bible predicts and what specifically believers may expect in the future, and what aspects of the prophecy have already occurred in the distant past.

Exhaustively researched and painstakingly compiled, Russell’s thesis is lengthy and split into three parts: firstly, he analyses the four Gospels of Christ, secondly, he examines the Acts of the Apostles, and lastly, he looks at the Book of Revelation and the visions therein. No detail is spared from the author’s learned gaze, with aspects of the Bible lore clarified and explained. For his part, Russell believed that most aspects of the Bible prophecy have already been fulfilled in history – only certain passages of Revelation have not yet corresponded to real world events.