What Christians Should Know About Applied Kinesiology
All Christians who are considering visiting an Applied Kinesiologist (AK) should read the following information. If you are unfamiliar with Applied Kinesiology, please first refer to the article archives under the topic, Applied Kinesiology, which defines AK and outlines necessary details.
As a Christian you have a duty to guard your mind and your soul to any and all influences that may lead you astray from the simple truth of the Gospel 1 and the practice of holy living. You have been equipped with spiritual armor, both offensive 2 and defensive. 34
I say this because the thrust of this article will be the examination of the entire medical system, both alternative and allopathic (traditional), through the filter of the Christian worldview. Having done so, we will discover that there are many unsound and sometimes life-threatening practices that Christians regularly accept and participate in, while at the same time fearing other less-understood practices without cause.
I am sometimes asked whether Christians should use Applied Kinesiology (AK) as a viable form of healthcare. Sincere questioners are concerned for the following reasons:
- A Christian did not develop AK.
- New-age practitioners primarily use AK.
- There are forms of AK that tap into the supernatural realm in the search for diagnostic information.
These are valid concerns. Knowing this, the question remains, is AK an occultic practice in and of itself that must be avoided by all Christians? The answer is Yes and No.
Yes, because it can be used in many different ways. Some of which are clearly attempting gain information from the spirit world. No, because when it is used as a neurological/physiological diagnostic test it is measuring information from the body itself (much like hitting your knee with a reflex hammer – information goes in to the nervous system and a response comes back, in the form of a knee jerk).
Speaking from a Christian perspective, a technique may be labeled occultic if:
A) The practitioner imposes their occult beliefs into the treatment and the unsuspecting patient accepts their beliefs or,
B) In order for the treatment to work there must be the invocation of a supernatural force (i.e. demon).
As for A), we are called to use knowledge so that we will not participate in doctrines of demons 5, which is the primary thrust of this letter. As for B), I believe as a Christian you will be able to judge that for yourself. Even if you cannot, nothing can harm you in Christ 6 when you walk in the light. You are divinely protected. Surely we come in to daily contact with individuals under the influence of, or possessed by evil spirits and yet our conversations and interactions with them do no damage to our souls. It is only when a false belief system tampers with our faith that we are then incapacitated to some degree. This is what happened in the Garden of Eden. Therefore, if we test the spirits, no matter how familiar we are with a procedure or how widely it is accepted, we should be able to discern what is true and what is false.
Christians might say that because AK was started by a new-age doctor and is practiced primarily by new-age doctors it should be avoided. This logic is faulty because it fails to address the validity of the practice itself. It also fails to recognize that a practice may have both acceptable and unacceptable aspects. Also, if this reasoning were taken to its logical conclusion then Christians would have a difficult time adapting to our society – which exists in its current state mainly as a result of the efforts of secular scientists, laborers, professionals, government officials, etc. In fact, today, Christian scientists, although growing in number, are still the minority. Are we willing to give up other endeavors in our life simply because the founders, designers, or inventors related to it are new-age minded?
The official teachings of the International College of Applied Kinesiology are sound neurologically. In other words, good explanations using recognized and understood reactions in the body are available. I need to make a distinction between the official and the unofficial teachings. Confusion often arises when practitioners say that they are doing Applied Kinesiology when in fact they are doing some other form of muscle testing outside the official teachings of the International College.
Magnetic Testing
In my office I use a procedure that falls outside of the official teachings of the college, namely magnetic testing. I have chosen to use this procedure because I find the results to be as reliable as testing done in more understood ways. I believe that magnetic testing is a misunderstood phenomenon, but not an occultic one.
Here is how it is done: A substance such as a piece of food is placed under the south pole of a strong magnet and then both the magnet and the food are held a close to the body. If the patient is sensitive or allergic to that food item, a strong test muscle will usually become temporarily weak. The medical community says that this phenomenon is impossible. However, what they are really saying is that they already understand how the body responds, and what the body responds to in every circumstance. Therefore, since they don’t understand this phenomenon, it must either be false or impossible. I will have much more to say about medicine and its philosophies later.
Here is what I believe is taking place. All substances have an electromagnetic field, which is different from the electromagnetic fields of other substances – it is a fingerprint if you will. The nervous system is sophisticated enough to identify any substance by its electromagnetic field if the field is strong enough. For those who think this sounds far-fetched please consider electromagnetic sources all around you such as radio waves. Radio waves are an invisible form of light energy with the potential for carrying information. Right now there are billions of radio waves dancing all around you. If you had the right receiver you could tap into these waves and “hear” whatever information is being broadcast. Even with the right receiver you would lose the ability to detect radio waves if the signal were not powerful enough. If you boost the power then you would be able to hear. This is the role of the magnet. A magnet has both a “push” and a “pull” characteristic. Two magnets together will either attract or repel one another depending upon the sides that are exposed. Doctors who do this kind of work have learned that the south pole side of the magnet is the “push” side and that it is also the side that boosts the electromagnetic field. Therefore, when a substance is placed under the south pole side of a magnet its signal is boosted to a level that is then detectable by the nervous system. For some, the magnet is not necessary, for others, even the magnet is not sufficient. Based on what we know to be true regarding information transmission through invisible sources like light and radio waves, you must admit that it is at least possible that this part of the scenario exists. What happens next is beyond the realm of medical thought.
You see medicine has to do primarily with chemical reactions. Energetic reactions are poorly understood in the medical mind. Therefore the skeptic’s doubt is created, not in the ability to transmit information via electromagnetic fields, but in whether the nervous system has the ability to decipher and react to this transmitted information. My mind is set at ease when I look at what we know to be true about the processing speed of the nervous system.