What are the 5 Lies of CRT – The Heritage Foundation

by Aug 15, 2022News in General

Learn the 5 Lies Progressives Tell About Critical Race Theory

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Progressives are outraged—and quite a bit panicked. The anti-critical race theory movement is gaining traction both ideologically and politically, and they are trying anything they can to stop it.

Right now, the Left’s strategy is to distort the truth and mislead the American people so that they can continue to push their Marxist agenda.

But these lies must be unmasked and exposed. That’s why The Heritage Foundation put together this latest eBook: The 5 Lies of CRT.

And today, we are offering this resource to you for FREE.

Inside this important eBook, you’ll not only learn the 5 lies progressives have employed in their campaign to push Critical Race Theory, but you’ll also discover that: