Taken from a recent article by Walid Shoebat, a former terrorist convert to Christianity. He raises some compelling questions about the President’s background which SHOULD have prompted further vetting prior to his election into the Illinois senate and ultimately the presidency.

Obama Family Part of Secret Muslim Terror Operation

The Obama family’s legacy – although most today would not even consider saying it – will one day be etched in history books under the heading, “How a family of terrorists fooled America.” They have promoted Wahhabist interests in Saudi Arabia and were the greatest supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.

Sayyid Obama, Barack Obama, and Malik Obama.

Sayyid Obama, Barack Obama, and Malik Obama.

And now more damning evidence reveals the Hamas financing connections of President Obama’s brother, Malik Obama, adding further to what we previously disclosed. The Islamic Dawa Organization (IDO) Malik Obama helps lead as Executive Director, is a member organization of “The Union of Good” (UG), which the U.S. Treasury designated as “Terrorist.”

The official website for UG still shows the IDO of Malik and his boss Suar al-Dhahab as being an official member organization in the coalition. UG is an umbrella organization that represents over 50 Islamic fundraising groups worldwide and was designated by the U.S. Department of Treasury as a terrorist entity under Executive Order 13224:

UNION OF GOOD (a.k.a. 101 DAYS CAMPAIGN; a.k.a. CHARITY COALITION; a.k.a. COALITION OF GOOD; a.k.a. ETELAF AL-KHAIR; a.k.a. ETILAFU EL-KHAIR; a.k.a. I’TILAF AL-KHAIR; a.k.a. I’TILAF AL-KHAYR), P.O. Box 136301, Jeddah 21313, Saudi Arabia

This authorizes the U.S. government to block the assets of organizations and individuals that provide financial support to terrorist organizations. According to the U.S. Department of Treasury, Hamas leadership founded the UG in 2000 shortly after the inception of the second Intifada with the purpose of facilitating the transfer of funds to Hamas.

But how could this happen if his brother is U.S. President?

Now for the damning evidence. According to the UG website’s home page, the two main photos of its two greatest leaders are #1 president of its organization Yusuf al-Qaradawi (the unwavering supporter for Hezbollah, Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad) and the #2 man is none other than Suar al-Dhahab, Malik Obama’s direct boss.

Read more here.

About Walid Shoebat

Walid Shoebat is a former member of the Muslim Brotherhood who was converted to Christianity, and author of the book, God’s War on Terror.

Read more at http://freedomoutpost.com/2014/02/exposed-obama-family-part-secret-muslim-terror-operation/#22Mfyc3TddvbOdoc.99