In the midst of persecution and idolatry, Polycarp demonstrates how perfect love casts out fear.
In this gripping drama, Polycarp, the aged Christian Bishop of Smyrna in the Second Century AD, demonstrates the power of the Gospel to transform lives. Polycarp befriends Anna, a young slave girl, and teaches her about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Anna, however, struggles to reconcile her beliefs with those of the Christians. During a time of conflict with the Roman Empire, the Proconsul demands that all citizens must worship Caesar to show their allegiance. Polycarp and the Christians in Smyrna must find courage to stand for their faith against persecution.
Prayerfully consider making a donation to RevelationMedia and receive your DVD copy of Polycarp for FREE! This award-winning film reminds us to stand firm in our faith, no matter the opposition we may face. Watch with your family and friends and see the historical characters come to life. Support the ongoing efforts of RevelationMedia to provide families in the US and missionaries around the world with quality Christian content.
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