good evening everyone I just wanted to
do a really quick video on falling stars
because I’ve been getting a lot of
questions about them here lately well
for one as I’m speaking to the globe
Earth Believers you guys believe that
you’re on a spinning ball going through
outer space and but also at the same
time you believe in Falling Stars well
if there’s no gravity in space how does
the star fall why does it go sideways or
up why does it always fall down if
there’s no gravity in space okay well
for one there’s no space now here’s the
answer for my truthers out
there now The Testament of Solomon just
like the Book of Enoch uh all these
books were stripped from the Bible
because they tell us what all these
things are that surround us on this
Earth and what’s going going on up in
the heavens and how everything is made
so with that being said let’s look and
see what scripture says falling stars
113 and when they were gone I ordered
amias to be brought forward and said to
him tell me how you know this and he
answered we demons Ascend into the
firmament of heaven and fly about Among
the Stars and we hear the sentences
which go forth upon the souls of men and
for withth we come and whether by force
of influence or by fire or by sword or
by some accident we Veil our Act of
Destruction and if a man does not die of
some untimely disaster or by violence
then we demons transform ourselves in
such a way to appear to men and be
nature therefore having heard this this
God and again I questioned the demon
saying tell me how you can Ascend into
heaven being demons and amidst the stars
intermingle and he answered just as
things are fulfilled in heaven so also
on Earth are fulfilled the types of all
of them for there are principalities
authorities World rulers and we demons
fly about in the air and we hear the
voices of the Heavenly beings and Survey
all powers as having no ground or bases
on which to a light and rest we lose
strength and fall off like leaves from
trees and Men seeing us imagine that the
Stars Are Falling from heaven but it is
not really so King but we fall because
weakness and because we have nowhere
of and so we fall down like Lightnings
in the depth of night and suddenly and
we set cities in flames and fires of
fields for the stars have firm
foundations in the heaven like the sun
and the moon now you do pay attention
what that said right there for the stars
have firm foundations in the heaven like
the sun and moon which means they can’t
fall they are firmly put there for
eternity stars do not fall demons fall
and I just showed you that in scripture
it’s really really simple you’re being
lied to about your whole reality and I’m
trying to teach you the real reality
it’s time to wake up and quit believing
these lies that these people have been
feeding to you for centuries now and
what you got to ask yourself is why all
the books that were strip from the Bible
are the books that explain to us
everything that’s going on in the sky
and what all these things are made and
how they were made and ain’t it funny
that all those were stripped from the
Bible and the only information you are
given about everything up in the sky and
all around you now is given to you by
NASA H these are not fallen stars these
are the demons the evil spirits bound
here for eternity until a judgment day
stars are angels just as scripture of
Enoch says and that is why it’s called a
falling star and they even hide it in
the intro of Paramount movies the Fallen
Angels descending on Mount Herman The
Book of Enoch chapter 6 and the angels
the children of the heaven and there
were in all 200 who descended in the
days of Jared on the summit of Mount
Herman and they called it Mount Herman
because they’ve sworn and bound
themselves by Mutual imprecations upon
it now if you will count the Stars
around the tip of the mountain you will
find 22 stars do you know why you find
22 stars because there were 22
laders of the 200 Fallen Angels
hey now the Stars will fall from the sky
someday at the end of times like the
Book of Revelation says but but the ones
that you see in this day and time that
you think are falling from the
demons everyone thanks for watching have