by Jonathan Monarch | Aug 13, 2015 | aliens, Anthropomorphic Climate Change, CERN, Climate Change, Demons, Devil, End Times, Escatology, eschatology, Financial, Free Masons, Global Warming, good and evil, Government, gun control, Guns and Self Defense, Illuminati, Masonic, Messianic, Nephilim, New World Order, News in General, Obama, Paranormal, POP Culture, science, Secular Humanism, UFO, Video, War, Worldview Wars
by Jonathan Monarch | Jul 24, 2015 | Catholic, Catholics, Christian Discipleship, Christian History, Christianity & America, Free Masons, good and evil, Illuminati, Islam, Jesus Christ, Masonic, New World Order, Orthodox Christianity, Roman Catholicism, satanism, Worldview Wars
An interesting juxtaposition of Roman Catholicism, Islam, and Christianity…The Queen of heaven, The Immaculate Heart, Co-Redemtrix, Isis, Free Masonry, and the doctrines of Islam, and Roman Catholics, and Protestantism.
by Jonathan Monarch | Jul 1, 2015 | aliens, Christianity & America, Demons, Devil, End Times, Free Masons, Illuminati, Masonic, Nephilim, New World Order, Paranormal, satanism, UFO, Video
Entire 15 Part DEEP STATE Series at Edge of Wonder Youtube Fritz Springmier Presentation by Fritz Springmier, author of The 13 Illuminati Bloodlines, explains much of the background of this extremely elusive topic.