by Jonathan Monarch | Mar 5, 2024 | Christian Discipleship, Christian Doctrine, Christian History, Christian worldview, Dinosaurs and Young Earth
The fossil record is a fact but how can two different scientists looking at the same fossils say the evidence demands the age of the fossil is millions of years old, and the other scientists says the evidence points to about 4300 years old! So who’s...
by Jonathan Monarch | Dec 6, 2023 | Evolution, Young Earth Creation
@voiceofreasonsofficial2 Did science prove that Noah was real and we all descend from his family? #science #thebible #noah #flood #athiest #geneology #globalflood #christian #youngearth #apologetics #israel #history #truth @Mike Brigandi ♬ original sound - VOR OCTOBER...
by Jonathan Monarch | Dec 17, 2020 | News in General
Expelled, No Intelligence Allowed. Ben Stein travels the world in search of the evidence to back up both sides of the origins...
by Jonathan Monarch | Oct 6, 2020 | News in General
A CREATURE THAT AMAZES. A study of the monarch butterfly should convince anyone of God’s amazing design. Consider just a few of the monarch’s abilities: The female butterfly uses six sharp needles on her forelegs to test for food’s chemical composition. The...
by Jonathan Monarch | Jan 31, 2020 | News in General
The Separation of Church and State? The move away from organized religion and towards a sort of secular society has been actively promoted by many on the political left in the United States since the late 1800’s, but is secular humanism truly secular? And if not...