by Jonathan Monarch | Mar 23, 2021 | Doctrine
Click To Visit Dr Heiser's Page and View Part 1 of the Divine Council...
by Jonathan Monarch | Oct 12, 2017 | Astrology, Christian Discipleship, Devil, Doctrine, Evolution, good and evil, Worldview Wars
Does it offend God for us to be interacting with idols, or witchcraft? Can it prevent His drawing near to us? The book of Hebrews tells us that the old testament was written to be a warning to us, so in this passage found in Ezekiel is there any sort of relevance to...
by Jonathan Monarch | Sep 12, 2017 | Christian Discipleship, Creation, Doctrine, Evolution, Recent Creation, science, Worldview Wars, Young Earth Creation, Youth
In my eighth year [of life] I read every book on physics and astronomy I could find in our school library. The next year I began to do the same in the children’s section of the Vancouver Public Library. . . . At age ten I had exhausted the science resources of the...